View Full Version : A brief introduction

05-09-09, 19:01
Hi, my name is Jane and I found your site today! I've had anxiety/panic disorder for about 25 years. Not all of them have been bad, but it seems like even in the good years the anxiety is like a program running in the background. I'm currently going through another very bad time. I'm drug phobic after having many bad reactions to many different drugs, but 3 weeks ago I had to take an antibiotic for a suspected UTI (turned out I didn't have one). I obsessed over taking it, took it, and when I finished it got a call from the doctor's office telling me there was no infection! The last day of taking it my face started getting tingly and numb and my vision became out of focus. I've had it ever since. I was sure it was the antibiotic that did it (made the mistake of googling it and read some horrible things that I wish I could unread!). The thing is, sometimes it seems better, like when I'm distracted. Other times, like now and most of the time, it feels as bad as it ever has. I'm afraid it is a drug reaction that will last for the rest of my life, but I'm also feeling like my anxiety is making it worse than it would be if I wasn't obsessing over it. And now instead of just being in my cheeks, it is traveling down into my neck. I found this site by searching for anxiety and face tingling and saw that some of you had experienced this symptom before from anxiety. I guess I'm looking for reassurance that my current problem is anxiety related and will eventually go away.

05-09-09, 19:11
Hi there

Welcome to NMP! :flowers:

What we have to remember is anxiety/panic can also mimic the symptoms you fear the most. Try not to let it take over. Keep telling yourself that it can't and won't harm you.
The mind can play nasty tricks on us at times!! :wacko:

Hope things improve for you soon


05-09-09, 19:40
Welcome to NMP!!!! -

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


05-09-09, 20:07
Thank you so much for your replies, Lisa and Chantelle. Its so nice to find an active board! Lisa, you're right. Its amazing the ability our brains have to make our worst fears seem true. I must try to get past this. Its just so hard sometimes.

I love this site! Its so organized, and the explanation of symptoms is a wonderful thing! It is comforting to hear rational reasons for our body's irrational behavior! I will definitely be hanging around here a whole lot!

05-09-09, 20:33
hello welcome to nmp,,hope to talk in the future :hugs: