View Full Version : Feeling so stressed out:-(

05-09-09, 20:25
I start my 2nd placement on the wards tomorrow, I am a student nurse and I am so nervous, I feel sick with the worry about it:blush:

My anxiety has been ok since earlier this year but since April it has been creeping back on me at times when I feel unwell, all since my husband was made redundant. We have 3 young children aswell, so of course him being made redundant frm such a well paid profession has been a massive blow to us. This has put so much pressure on us financially and emotionally.

This week I started with terrible stomach pains and feeling sick, I saw my GP yesterday about it all and he said he thinks it is just IBS related to stress, but also due to the strong antibiotics I was on after having swine flu for a nostril/sinus infection a few weeks back. He prescribed something to ease the stomach acid and it has helped abit, it feels slightly better. Could it just be stress??

Another thing is my ears are suffering with tinitus and a pressure in them, at times my left ear feels like my hearing goes a tad from the pressure in it. GP said it is just pressure related, maybe from the swine flu, he said it isn't anything to worry about. Could stress cause ear symptoms? ???my left ear today feels full of pressure and my left shoulder aches too:weep:

I start 14 hour shifts as of tomorrow on the ward, I am stressed about going there incase it is my sinuses again playing up causing the ear symptoms and if the IBS is going to get worse and I will feel unwell when I am there, it is embaressing having IBS. I also won't see my children for 2 days so it is abit of a worry not seeing them, as we are so close.

My GP thinks I have alot of stress in my life what with being in university, 3 children, husband and the financial implications of him being out of work. I lost 5lbs in weight when I had swine flu last month aswell, which isn't good as I am petite anyway but had hit almost 7 stone, which he says is a healthy weight for me, so I feel abit low that I am underweight again.

Sorry about this rant, I just feel abit low and stressed about tomorrow and upset about the position I feel I am in. I feel all the pressure is on me, I am the one bringing in the money to the house, I have so much to do for uni (exams and assignments), 3 children to take care of, pets, a home, a husband.... I have lost myself, I am just a student, nurse, wife and mother:blush: I love being all of those people but it is hard.

My husband and I rarely argue but things are not great, I am not sure how I feel anymore:weep:

05-09-09, 20:36
Hi Aimee, I am a registered nurse ( over 25 years of practising as a nurse) so I know how stressful it is working as a student nurse, studying the theory,learning the practica,the very long hours,the lack of staff,the anxiety related to the responsibilty of the job, being accountable & responsible for other people's lives is not easy esp if you are an anxious person by nature ( as I am).THEN you have your young family & husband to care for.Girl, I am not surprised that you are feeling anxious.Also remember that anxiety rears its ugly head when we are run down,when our bodies have taken a knock as yours has with the swine flu etc. Be kind to yourself, take one day at a timexxxx

05-09-09, 20:53
Thank you Blot.

I just hope I can cope tomorrow if I have the IBS and ear problem and not let it get to me.

I just feel so incredibly stressed right now, so much theory and practice to get through.

05-09-09, 20:54
Hnag in there,it is tough but once you complete your training & you are qualified you will never look back - nursing is such a worthwhile profession!

05-09-09, 21:21
I just hope I can hack it with my anxiety flaring up now and then:-( Stress or ill health always flare it up as I get low.