View Full Version : stress related illnesses

18-10-05, 12:59
hi im not wanting to worry anyone but rather would like some reassurance. ive just recently read that sufferers of prolonged stress, people like ourselves, are more at risk from other illnesses such as cancers and heart disease. this has worried me quite a bit and i was wondering if anyone knew if there was any validity to these claims. its the first time i have ever seen anything about this.
sorry if ive made anyone worried i just had to know as i too am quite worried.


18-10-05, 13:31
I can't see that there is any link atall to be honest.

Where did you read it?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-10-05, 15:02
Hi there,
don't want to tempt fate.....have suffered on and off for 17 years, and apart from my 'symptoms' am as fit as a fiddle, as are the rest of my family. Of course, am a little overweight, get some sleepness nights, that sort of thing, but everyone around me thinks i'm as tough as old boots!!!!! (don't feel like it when i'm stressed though) take care xxxx

18-10-05, 17:30
Mmm I shouldn't have read this with health anxiety lol. I have heard alot over the years that stress can cause heart disease and cancer. I don't suppose it can do anyone much good to be acutely stressed long term as stress does affect things in the body, but whether it causes cancer I don't know. I did ask my cardiologist if all my stress and panic would do my heart any harm and he said no and particularly not at my age. Sorry can't help more.

18-10-05, 17:37
thanks for the replies you have helped to ease my mind. thanks very much everyone.
