View Full Version : They Changed My Meds And Now I Feel Weird

06-09-09, 02:07
I went to the doctor the other day and my blood pressure was up because I was in a high anxiety state. I have been taking ziac 2.5 beta blocker and librium 10 mg a day .

They put my beta blocker up to 10 mg and I am taking 10 mgs of librium twice a day.

My heart rate is down but im feeling a little weak and out of breath.

When I get up my heart rate is only about 90 which is weird for me. I wonder if maybe the increase is too much? Is it just my anxiety is that is causing me to feel a little weird or could it be the meds?

I mean im not passing out or nothing but I do feel a little weird. Should I discontinue the increase or just ride it out.

I was suppose to go back to the doctor to get my blood work done the other day but I haven't gone back yet. Im scared that I will go through the same thing I did the other day.

For the first time I have had anxiety I freaked out and felt so weird. It was such a scary feeling that I NEVER want to go through that again. I have to go get blood work but im scared to go back but I don't have a choice I have already paid for it. I hope I make it ok.

06-09-09, 16:00
Hi, you say 90 is weird for you, what was your heart rate? Beta-blockers (bisoprolol in your ziac) can have lightheadedness as side-effect till your body adjust to it, maybe it's the change of dose plus increasing the benzodiazepine at the same time. You shouldn't discontinue the increase on your own without talking to your doctor first, and i think you should talk to him if these things continue to bother you. How bad is the shortness of breath? If that is bothering you, you should mention that to your doctor definitely, it can be caused by Ziac. Hope this is any help...