View Full Version : Anxiety and physical pain >:(

06-09-09, 03:07
Hey all! i am freaking out! i have had physical pain for 6 weeks now! since then i have been to a and e 3 times an off hours doctor and my gp!

I am 20 with no history of medical problems.

In these 6 weeks i have had 3 ecg's and 2 blood works and numerous blood pressure tests and doctors have listiened to my chest and back about 3 time.

The pains i am getting are as follows:

1. Sore neck
2. Sore head ( crown and a quarter of the way up the back part of the top of me head is tender and sore to touch) (pain or pressure on both sides of my head which seem to find its way to my lower jaw)
3. eye and face pressure ( vision went funny for a few days but is coming back again)( also just back from opticitons today and i have 20/20 vision and my eyes are fine lol.
4. dry mouth
5. A constant notice of my neck visablly pulsating in time with heart.
6. Arm pain and a notice or more veins that usual also veins and arms feel sore.

7. chest pressure and pain at random times

8. A notice that my abdomen is visibly pulsating in time with my heart.

9. Some odd aches in pain in legs

10. i feel alot more gold in my hands and feet than i used to.

Yes i know thats alot!! and it is scarying me senseless especially number 7 and 8.

I just feel like i wanna run to the eremcency room and get scanned for things!

I feel so sore! and sooo tired!!! i used to feel fine before i took this pain 6 weeks ago and its all went from there!

at least 5 doctors have said its anxiety!!

I cant calm down every pain i get makes me worry especially the chest ones!

I am soo fatigued and i dont know what is causing all these symptoms and i keep thinking this and that !

I just dont know what t do!!

Please tell me anxiety suffers that you get this to!!!


06-09-09, 09:03

If you've had those tests done, ECG, blood works, blood pressure and doctors listening to your chest 3 times I'd say your fine and it's just anxiety, but to put your mind at rest if I were you I'd see if I could get a chest x-ray to make sure there's nothing there in your chest or neck, just see your GP and they should refer you for one.

But I think it's likely that your so focused on these aches and pains your mind is making them happen.

I'm also having very similiar symptoms (palpitations, dry mouth, sore neck, chest pain but I'm more focused on my breathing) to yourself and have been for about 6 weeks since a bad bout of pneumonia and I'm still here, it's just very hard to listen to anybody even Doctors when you feel like this!

Take care.


06-09-09, 12:34
Hello Qix

I have had all of what you have explained and like you said 7 and 8 are scary. It is exactly what i get pulsating in my stomach this scares me as much as the chest pains. I have had 3 ECGs, 2 chest X-rays and 3 blood tests which have all come back fine but it is still in my head that i could have a heart attack anytime (i am now going to seek therapy for this) Like you said that you feel you need to go to a and e all the time i am exactly like that too just to make sure everything is ok.

The veins thing is so true too, i notice them alot more now aswell. The fatigued feeling is emotional tiredness because the brain is doing overtime on thinking of all these pains and what it might do to us. The brain is preparing the body for danger that we percieve to be there. I am now slowly begining to think this is anxiety and am going about ways to change my thinking process.

Are you getting palpitations? if you dont mind me asking.

You do sound exactly like me and as im only 23 its hard to understand why im going through this but you have just got to sttick in there, it is easier said then done because i am a long way off recovery yet.


06-09-09, 15:23
I myself am 33 and had never in my life suffered physical anxiety symptoms until this year following the birth of my child. I was one of those people who thought pull yourself together and thought people did it to themselves - boy was I wrong.

Anxiety hit me out of blue and it consisted of a hot heavy and painful chest, nausea and stomach flipping that never left for weeks. (my chest pain also took weeks to subside) I cannot explain how sick it made me feel and how frightening it was. The thing is no matter how much reassurance you get even if its from doctors you always doubt their diagnosis. I think I was shocked at how much anxiety could affect you phyically. My mum has suffered for many years so was able to talk me through my symptoms and at least try to calm me down. I also had an overwhelming urge to gasp for breath, pains in my head, arms, legs, neck and to be honest everywhere but not all at same time. All this improved with medication which I had to come off due to the side effects when I was just getting somewhere, however the withdrawl is a nigtmare too. It can be just as bad as the bad anxiety episode.

I am very new to experiencing anxiety and guess I am trying to say that it is a disorder that can stop poeple from physically functioning - due to the huge list of symptoms that they can experience. Since coming off citalopram and being given nothing else I am battling to keep it under control, despite getting new symptoms such as tension headaches, etc and I am just praying it doesn't come back with a vengence as it is so frightening and only people who suffer from it can ever understand.

Hope this helps.

07-09-09, 04:12
Hey all thanks for the replys. Last night i could not slee with worry. I had pressure in my chest as i did most days but just like a few weeks ago i got this tight feeling all up my left arm. Naturally i went into panic mode! and then i started shaking and could not stop! then you get the sweats and sick feeling! so i rushed u to a and e again! this was 4th vist in 2 months luckily i went in the morning so i did not have to really wait . They done an ecg blood work again and waited for the results with my parents and friend.

The doctor called my name and me and my friend went up to him and it was the same doctor who took me before ! lol so that was good and he was a nice guy and said he knew me from before. He said blood and ecg were great and i just told him all my worries cause when you are that way you want answers.

i just said i wann ask you a few things and could he look me over to reassure me so i dont have to come u again lol ! i said about circulation he said i was too young and to get out more lol i asked hime about a lum i had behind my ear which appeared, swelled and went down again within these 6 weeks. he checked it and felt it and said its just a cyst then he listiened to all over my back and sides and then my chest he said it all sounded great. then i got him to check my stomach where is pulsing was he felt around for a good minut or so and felt the pulse the listiend with his scope thing and said it sounded great! fially i said to him to check my legs cause i noticd they had we bumps all the way down the boney part of the shin. he said its just tissue.

I felt better after all that and my pains started to subside. i just asked him what i should do and if i need any meds to stop the panic. he said get out more and no to the meds and maybe talk to my gp about therapy.

oh and when the nurse took my blood pressure and heart rate i look at it and my heart rate was 105- 110 i think and blood pressure was like 135/85 i think which i thoght was quiet good since i was realy worried.

So when i came home i went to bed and i feel better now and also re assured with the comments you al left to!

im gonna arrange to see someone about the anxiety and see if that helps.

i had and x ray done a few weeks ago and it was clear.

Yea i did have paliitations but i aint had them for a while because i stopped worring after i had an ecg.

i did notice when having pressure around the chest i noticed my stomach and my upper left pec near my ribs i heard this gurgling noise and like a fat noise. also when the docotor was checking my stomach last night he pushed down at the very bottom of my abdomen and i heard and felt the same noise like trapped air. so i could have some trapped wind!

Well after the doctor checked me over i am certain i have anxiety and all i can do is stop worrying get out more and exercise!

also can anyone recommend anything for trapped wind?

Also just a little ti to anyone that has this . DONT GO ON GOOGLE!!! trust me it makes you 10x worse because you think you have everything when there is nothing wrong with you.

Thanks guys for the replies its good to know other people are going through the same :D