View Full Version : A little bit about me

06-09-09, 08:58
Hi all im new here, im 24 and i have been suffering from panic for 14 years. It started after my mum passed away when i was 9, i kind of just fell apart. Being so young i never understood what a panic attack was and it was an incredibably scary part of my life, i stopped eating, sleeping even stopped going to school, they could only get me to do a couple of hours, i was a mess. I gradually got used to life and when i was 15 i met my boyfriend and i started finding about about panic attack and anxiety etc.It was a long hard struggle but my boyfriend helped me through it and they stopped, they stiopped for 4-5 years. In that 4-5 years we had a rough timne, we lost our house due to money trouble and had to move in with his parents,(we have a daughter who is now 7aswell), i stopped all contact with my dad as he is not a nice man, i lost my baby son at 20 weeks, then had an incredably difficult pregnancy with my other son leading to an emergency c-sec at 35 weeks(he is now 6months old). Through all that i never panicked, not even once, i was so proud of myself, now its back with vegence.IOver the past 3 weeks, i have had 2 panic attacks but its mainly panic all the time about me thinking about dying and there is something wrong with me and i havent got long left, im not sleeping properly and my mind just wont switch off, its on constantly and i cant control my thoughts its actually making me quite depressed to the extent i just want it all over, i would rather in ways die now to have it over and done with, the fear to stopped for once and for all, i feel like i will never ever get over this. Im going to the docs on tues and talk to a doc that knows me, but she doesnt know about my anxiety etc, im really hoping she puts me on tabletsa, if anyone has actually made it to the end of my post then is there any good tablets u could recommend or therapy?thanks, sorry its so long, once i start i cant stop :)

Veronica H
07-09-09, 09:15
:bighug1: I am so sorry that you have been through so much so young. I am glad that you are returning to your GP for help. This will get better. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can't recommend this enough, as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.


07-09-09, 10:58
welcome to NMP, yOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AS THERE ARE CARIN FOLKS WHO UNDERSTAND & KNOW THE STRUGGLES YOU DEAL WITH DAILY. I think that you are amazing to have coped with all the tragetdy in your young life. keep posting here xxxx

07-09-09, 11:14

By posting on here and going to the doctors you have allready started your recovery
I know exactly how you feel with the "racing mind" and the if "i die now it will be ok" but i am now recovering and you will too you can get past this

Keep believing it will improve

Best wishes


07-09-09, 11:43
the reason your panic is so bad now is because you have time to think,,,around the time my first panics started my young son nearly died ,,he was in intensive care for weeks,,,i held myself together, hubby together my daughter who was only 10 at the time blamed herself,,,so i was reasureing her,,plus being strong for my young son,,who was wired up to every machine going,,,and when it was all over i thought we would just go back to a normal settled life,,,three months down the line outta the blue the panic started,,for what i could see no reason,,but of course the were reasons id been so strong for so long something had to give,,,you,ve done a marvelous job of holding all together ,,now give yourself chance to be held together bywhoever or whatever it takes,,i think you need a large hug and pat on the back,,you sound like a strong lady and you will be again,,just you need a little help for a while,, hope you find it huntake care :hugs:

07-09-09, 15:29
Perhaps your anxiety has kicked in big time because your eldest child is gradually approaching the age at which you lost your own mother. I think you should tell your doctor about all the major setbacks in your life, even if it means writing a list for her so that you don't have to blurt it all out when you may be feeling nervous in her surgery. This may enable her to point you in the direction of a suitable therapist for your needs. I wish you well.

12-09-09, 14:58
Hi all, thanks for all your responses, they are all really nice. I went to the doctors on tues and she has said i need to speak to a self help group, they are going to ring me up and do an assessment over the phone to see if i need help, then i will hopefully start regular sessions. I have no problem doing this but this could take quite a few months to get started, i asked my gp if there is anything i can do right now as this is driving me mad, im starting to feel depressed,( iam sleeping better) and she said no, just to read this leaflet about panic,i didnt actually find my gp partically helpful. i was wondering as my mother in law suggesated it, if Kalms is any good, does any one have any opinions on this?
Also thanks you Veronica i am going to download that, i will let you know how i get on

13-09-09, 09:54
Hi Carpos, :welcome: to the group :D
