View Full Version : feeling bad

06-09-09, 11:25
I guess it is because I haven't had a PA in awhile but I'm having trouble with feeling dizzy. I can't seem to relax myself. Everytime I fall a sleep I wake up with a jerk to my body. Right now I feel nauseus (sp?) I wish this would stop I always think This time its not a panic I need to get to doc and so on and so on

magpie girl
06-09-09, 12:16
hi stormee sorry to hear your not feeling too good,this happens to me,just when i think im doing ok with the anxiety.When i wake now with a jerk i get up out of bed i find that if i just lay there my mind goes into overdrive,so now i switch on pc or read a book till i feel ready to drop off again.I hope your feeling better soonxxxx

07-09-09, 15:05
Its a horrible feeling, not being sure if its panic or something really wrong this time. I've had the same thing. The ones that wake you at night out of the blue are the hardest - you feel so alone and scared. Those are the ones that often take me to the emergency room. I've found that distraction seems to help - getting on the computer mostly. If it gets worse, I'll know its not panic. It never does! I wish you the best. This is a frustrating and frightening disorder.