View Full Version : Burning eyes!

18-10-05, 19:04
Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone has experienced burning in their eyes? I have had this symptom for a few months now and its only in my right eye, which is funnily the same side I have jaw problems and neck problems. I never knew what it was before but I feels like my eye is burning and the feeling its like something hot running through my eye. I hope this makes sense.

Has anyone else had this? If so, is it anxiety related or something else?


19-10-05, 09:08
Hi Sadie

Yes, Ihave had this too, it makes my eye water too. I njust get it now and again.
I have only had it since I had anxiety so I would assume it is anxiety related.

Take care

Elaine x

19-10-05, 10:25
Hi Sadie
Ive had this but usually just in one eye,it waters like mad too,annoying cos i cant wear my contact lenses!!
The optician says my eyes were fine so i presume its anxiety
Hunny x

20-10-05, 03:59
Hi Sadie,
I too get this in my eyes. I will close them and they burn even more.
Right now I have it in my right eye. I was told it is from tired eyes. I suffer terribly from neck and jaw pain. I am thinking on having the TMJ test to see if my jaw is out of place and not just stress. My neck..I get the Chiropractor to crack it almost once a week. It is always out and somtimes she says she is surprised my head is on straight. The massage person said " what the heck have you done to your neck" All I do is worry about my health and it does all that. My neck even causes my upper arms to ache and feel as if shomeone has punched my arms. I find it hard to sleep on the pillow when I first go to bed. I feel like I have lumps in between my shoulders as well. Needless to say, I have very simular pains as you. I have read your posts and I see a mirror image of myself.
Try not to worry and as soon as I find a method that helps me along I will pass it along.

Hope this passes for you Sadie,


12-04-09, 10:20
i have had burning / stabbing pai in corner of my left eye for a few weeks. Optician can't see anything wrong and gp given me stuff for migraine. Did get a piece of wood in my eye 6 weeks ago when gardening but surely any damage would show. So sick of this constant'eye headache' and worrying to death that it is a tumour. Is yours anything like this? Hopinf for some reassurance

21-08-15, 03:58
I got this feeling after I rubbed my eyes after I washed my hands. the soap got on my hands and into my eye. I had my eyes closed for about ten minutes and now gone!!!! no more eye burning there ya go:yesyes: