View Full Version : Abnormal Smears

06-09-09, 12:52
I've read the majority of abnormal smears are caused by the HPV virus. Could you please tell me if:
*you've had an abnormal smear,
*whether you've needed treatment, and
*whether this ended the problem for you and you thereafter always had normal smears or
*whether you needed further treatment years down the line because the HPV virus reactivated itself.
I've read a lot of conflicting information about some people clear the virus and don't have any more problems whereas some people get more abnormal smears after years of normal ones.

06-09-09, 13:42
I had an abnormal smear back in 1995. As it was only slightly abnormal I had to have another one after 6mths. This second one came back normal but I had to have annual smears for a further 5yrs, all of which came back normal.

My GP did ask me about the partner I was with at the time as I had never had any abnormal smear results before this, and I did find out that he had an ex partner who had had precancerous cells treated shortly before he met me. My GP seemed to be of the opinion that he might have picked up something from her and then passed it on to me :scared15: I have no idea if this can happen or not to be honest, but that was what my GP told me.

Cell block H fan
06-09-09, 16:06
I've read the majority of abnormal smears are caused by the HPV virus. Could you please tell me if:
*you've had an abnormal smear,
*whether you've needed treatment, and
*whether this ended the problem for you and you thereafter always had normal smears or
*whether you needed further treatment years down the line because the HPV virus reactivated itself.
I've read a lot of conflicting information about some people clear the virus and don't have any more problems whereas some people get more abnormal smears after years of normal ones.

Yes back in 1992
Yes had Loop Diathermy, twice, in Queen Charlotten & Chelsea womans hospital in London. The consultant didn't get rid of them all first time, so it needed repeating.
Once it had been done the second time, I never had an abnormal smear since. Although the HP virus hung around for a good few years after, that eventually went away of its own accord about 10 years ago now! :yesyes:
I'm due a smear (i was due it about 2 years ago!) I have them yearly even though I dont have to anymore, I usually do for peace of mind. So i'm still within the 3 yearly at the moment.

07-09-09, 09:11
I've read the majority of abnormal smears are caused by the HPV virus. Could you please tell me if:
*you've had an abnormal smear,
*whether you've needed treatment, and
*whether this ended the problem for you and you thereafter always had normal smears or
*whether you needed further treatment years down the line because the HPV virus reactivated itself.
I've read a lot of conflicting information about some people clear the virus and don't have any more problems whereas some people get more abnormal smears after years of normal ones.

I had 2 borderline smears, one in sept 2008, one in feb 2009... i was told to go for a colposcopy in june 2009 and they did a biopsy at the same time. the nurse told me if def wasnt cancer but they wanted to check the cells for further info on the cause. I didnt have a treatment at the time as they said they didnt even think anything would show on the biopsy. I am still waiting for the results, almost 3 months later.

I didnt check where you live so I can only speak for the UK, but over here although most precancerous cells are caused by the HPV virus, there is no test they do to determine whether it is actually present. They just treat accordingly under the assumption it is hpv as the treatment is harmless and preventative.

Many people get rid of HPV by themselves... much depends on the state of their health/immune system etc

I think HPV can dissappear without treatment in about 2 years or less. Any more than that and they like to treat it... or if they can see it getting worse.

Please also be aware that it is very unlikely for any woman having regular smears when called to do so, to develop cervical cancer as it is currently 99% preventable. Cells take about 15 years untreated to become cancerous... so with someone keeping an eye, its very unlikely to get that far.