View Full Version : got GAD trying to come off venlafaxine!

06-09-09, 15:33
I was diagnsed with GAD 3 years ago, but think I have had it for ages. Have been taking 75 mg venlafaxine for nearly 3 years now. Feel better so trying to come off them, with Dr's guidance (although when I asked about coming off them, he said "why do you want to do that"?) anyway have been decreasing dose over 3 months now, I'm now on half a 37.5mg tablet every morning and cannot get any further than this without awful side effects and I cannot function at all which I can't manage as I have kids and no family close by to support me, OH at work too.
The thing is I am starting to feel like I did before I went on meds, dizzy, panicky, headaches, agrophobic, stressed, tight chest etc. Really scared of being like I was before venlafaxine but I have put weight on since taking them and get hot sweats and feel sick so thought I might be better off them? My past health worker said as I will always have GAD I may be on meds most of my life, but if I depression he said it gets better usually and you can come off them.
Do most people with GAD stay on meds or take them from time to time, I'm scared of being on them all the time but don't feel like I can cope with nothing, please help if you have any experience of GAD or venlafaxine thanks for listening Nic