View Full Version : How will I ever survive University?

06-09-09, 15:49
I made a topic before, And sorry if all has been said befoer becuase I haev noticed a few Uni topics recently.

I really don't know how I'm ever going to survive living there :weep:

All this week I have convinced myself I have meningitis. I have felt sick, Tired, Drained, Had freezing cold hands and feet, And just generally haven't wanted to leave the house.

I move into halls in 8 days!!!

I suffer really bad panic attacks, My health anxiety is of the scale, Im constantly ill with soemthing or the other and I always get colds because Im so run down all the time.

Now I am anticipating going which is working me up, Probably making me ill with the meningitus fear I have.

I know I should be thinking positive but Im really thinking 'Why on earth have I applied to go, I know Im not going to be able to cope' etc etc, Really bad not positive thoughts I know. For every positive thought I think of, I get 5 bad ones :weep::mad:

The hardest thing is, Deep down I know I want to go and will hate myself after if I dont go. Its just the astupid anxiety taking over.

On top of all this Im having doubts about the whole experience:

1. I hardly drink anymore and everyone there is going to be drinking every night

2. What if I meet no one who is into the same things as me?

3. What if I cant do the course and its too hard for me?

4. I really really cannto get up in the mornings, Early mornings make me feel actually sick and Ive had a year off from having to get up earlier.

5. What if I get ill like I have been this week whilst there.

How did all of you (people who have been or are at Uni) cope?

06-09-09, 16:20
Hey hun, i was in uni when mine started happenin, so didnt have the fear of actually going there that you are going through, i know its hard but trust me u will b fine, even if you are having bad days. You meet so many new people who are interested in getting to know you, so make it clear from day one that u suffer from panic attacks as then if you do happen to have one there people will start to understand. Dont worry about drinking, yes everyone goes out...but not everyone drinks, ive been on nights out only having one or teo or even none before now and u still have a good time as the new experience gives u a buzz.
Dont worry about not meeting people who are into the samer things as you as most of my frinds in uni are different to me, but are amazing friends, if anything sharing different interests is exciting as u may start doing sumthing u have never thought of doin b4 e.g...mountain biking etc. And you will meet some ppl with very similar interests...just think of it as when u went to school, and the freinds you have made there, its the same hun expect ur away from home and ur meetin people from different places.
If you find the course too hard, dont stress, no course is easy and has many obstacles to overcome, dealing with panic attacs with stress isnt easy, as i know myself... but there is so much support in the universities, they can give u a longer dead line as they will understand your anxiety.
Mornings arnt a great time for me either hun, but if you do happen to miss a lecture because of feeling ill...dont worry as every lectures gets posted online onto something called 'blackboard' which u will elarn about when u get there hun. I use blackboard so much, especially wen i miss lectures. Plus you will meet people on your course who can fill u in on what u miss.
If your ill when there hun, try not to worry about it...you will suprised how quickly you get along with the people you meet, after 3 weeks of knowing them u may feel youve known them for years,
I hope this helps a little bit....the first week will be daunting hun, but so much fun, and it may distract you from ur panic attacks aswell. Wish you all the best, and hope you enjoy ur uni experience just like i am doing now. Please keep me posted on how you are doing, and feel free to Private message me at anytime when you are there if you are feelin worried about nythin.
Im goin into my 3rd year now, and scared because of the workload, but i know soon as i get there....it wont b as bad as i thought!
Enjoy and take care xxx

06-09-09, 19:19
Quick-fire post from someone whos been there and done that (very recently, have only 3 months left of uni!)

1. I hardly drink anymore and everyone there is going to be drinking every night - I havn't consumed alcohol the whole time I've been there, due to medical reasons (although I don't give a reason, its noones business). No one thought I was strange..in fact people appreciate having a sober one around to steer them home or whatever. You'll also save a lot of money.

2. What if I meet no one who is into the same things as me? - I havn't really met anyone at uni who I'd consider a friend/that I'll keep in touch with after this course has finished. Having said that, I *do* have quite a few acquaintances that I chat to on a day to day basis when I'm in class. But most people do meet at least a couple of folks they click with. And if not..I didn't at all, but I've survived/done fine!

3. What if I cant do the course and its too hard for me? - the first year doesn't count for anything in 99% of universities over here..you just have to pass. So see the first year as a "settling in" kind of thing, with no real pressure to get high marks. Secondly, there's bound to be a Student Support type of place where you're going..don't hesistate to email them if you feel overwhelmed. Thirdly, its not at all uncommon for people to switch courses after a term or whatever because they don't think it suits them. Fourthly, if you have the chance to talk to your course colleagues, I'll bet they have similar fears and you can support one another.

4. I really really cannto get up in the mornings, Early mornings make me feel actually sick and Ive had a year off from having to get up earlier - if getting up makes you feel sick-have you had a medical investigation for this? Because that deserves explanation. Or is it more mentally ill? Do you think you could try getting up half an hour earlier than usual one week, then another half hour the next week, and so on? If not, talk to the student welfare place/on-campus medical centre as soon as you arrive.

5. What if I get ill like I have been this week whilst there - student welfare centre, and getting a therapist or counsellor (usually available free at university) on campus.

07-09-09, 20:04
Hey thanks Leanne, Made me feel a bit more at ease, Still worrying as hell though haha.

And thanks AnitLove_SuperStar,

I think the sickness thing is more mentally, but I do actually feel sick, I think its fueled by the panic, Due to being up early, Not 100% with it and still tired. Just makes me feel a bit off like. I have started the getting up early thing now, Been starting with 9am and then done 8.30 today but fell back asleep lol. Hopefully tomorrow Ill actually get up.

Thanks for all the other advice though :)

I was just wondering what actually hapened on your first day(s)? Was it really awkward? Did you all just go in the kitchen and talk etc etc, Im fine with talking to/meeting new people its just the initial 'I wonder what it will be like' thats making me anxious.

13-09-09, 15:43
Sorry to bump this but Im all packed now and the anxiety has really kicked in.

I feel sick and bloated and Im not even leaving till tomorrow! How will I eat when Im there, becuase I cant eat when Im anxious I just feel sick and bloated like I am now.

Whenever I go away for a night of something I hardley eat anything, I cant do this at Uni, Ill just turn into a stick, I mean Im skinny now and cant afford to not be eating.

Also I get drained, and I mean proper drained when I only go for a drive with one friend, how will I manage living away from home, having to eat away from home infront of people, going to classes with lots of stressful work, Getting up early, Being in a routine. Ill jusdt end up collapsing and dieing or something.

It just seems TOO much for me to handle. I havent done anything for a year (left college and stayed at home for a gap year, BIG mistake). Im not used to any of this, arghhhhhh! :(:(

13-09-09, 16:48
i think you'll suprise yourself and settle in eventually, i think you'll get caught up in all the uni mayhem and your anxiety might take a back seat ;p

Try and stay positive and take everything as it comes

13-09-09, 23:28
Thanks Gazman, I hope so.

Its the mayhem that's putting me off as well though, I know it will help but I haven't done anything at all for a whole year and I feel it will be too much.

Prob wont be online now for a while, My head is buzzing and pounding, My legs and arms are like jelly, I feel sick and light headed. got derialization. Its making me think why am I even bothering to go :weep:

I know this is the only way to get better by doing things but its the most hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Wish me luck people lol

13-09-09, 23:43
You will be fine, just take your time with things... Go slowly at first and eventually you will build the confidence, have fun and good luck (even though u wont need it)


14-09-09, 16:57
parents just left. I think I have 1 other housemate. I feel like DEATH!!! all I have had to eat is a sandwich and I tried sipping some orange juice for a bit of sugar. I feel like collapsing. Im going to try my hardest to get to the shops now to try and buy something to cook. I really really cant do this. I don't even have internet cos it won't work just on my phone :(