View Full Version : can tension headaches be harmful ? x

sarah jayne
06-09-09, 19:55
Hi all, ive been suffering from headaches since starting citalopram nearly 3 weeks ago, it feels like my head is going to explode, its not throbbing, it feels like theres lots of pressure in it. Surely it cant be doing me any good being in so much pain ?
Some people have mentioned it might be a tension headache. Can they be serious and can they last so long. I cant put up with much more..x

07-09-09, 14:23
:hugs: Sorry i can't help on this but there are lots of posts on this medication.
PsychoPoet has a long thread on teh symptoms.
Best wishes

07-09-09, 15:09
Between the dizziness and the head pressure, I thought I was going to die. I had the worst pressure I had ever felt in my life. After mris cat scans and anything else the doctor could think of doing to me, it was determined I had tension headaches caused by my panic and anxiety. I was given a shot of dilodin, which worked miracles because it lets the blood flow back where its supposed to, however, it is highly addictive. I learned how to get rid of them by rolling the tension out of my shoulders. When we have anxiety or panic we bunch our shoulders up and cause severe tension. Once you can get your shoulders to relax some of the pressure should go also. Take care and I hope it helps.

08-09-09, 09:37
quote;I learned how to get rid of them by rolling the tension out of my shoulders. When we have anxiety or panic we bunch our shoulders up and cause severe tension. Once you can get your shoulders to relax some of the pressure should go also. Take care and I hope it helps.end

gtrgrl3369 - i agree with you on this point - i think we all 'hunch' our shoulders till they are touching our ears. BUT i admit i found it very very hard to get my shoulders relaxed.
Best wishes