View Full Version : scared

19-10-05, 07:58
hi everyone,
i dont know if something is wrong or not but i woke up really early this morning with my breathing being irregular again and its worrying me , i now feel out of breath again, my face feels hot and flushed i havent been like this for a few weeks and im shaky aswell i keep thinking somethings going to happen to me, i cant see why this breathing thing has come out of the blue again its not as if i brought it on myself,i woke up like it,is this normal for anxiety to do this, thats if it is anxiety, please advise
luv sue xx

existential crisis
19-10-05, 10:16

I think it's very normal for anxiety to do these things for you. It sounds like you have all the classic symptoms - shallow breathing, shaking etc. The reason why you worry so much about your breathing being out of sync is because the feelings of anxiety are so powerful and physical that you can easily start to think that there is something seriously wrong with you when in fact it's just anxiety. My CPN gave me a good way of coping with these feelings - she said that everytime they came on you should remind yourself in your own mind that it is JUST anxiety and say to yourself that you can control this because you know what it is thats causing these nasty symptoms - the anxiety. I know it's very scary but just remember that there is nothing wrong with your body and that there is nothing to be frightened of - it's just that damned anxiety talking!

Take Care,
Clare xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

19-10-05, 10:19
Hello Sue
Im sorry you are feeling bad.
This truly is anxiety,and its so so frustrating because there just isnt a pattern to it is there?
Nothings going to happen to you.I know how scared you are but you are ok
How are you feeling now?
Hunny x

19-10-05, 14:09

Well done for having improved about this for a few weeks. Thats good news.

You know this of old and it won't be any different this time only the quicker you ignore it the faster it will leave you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-10-05, 15:14
thanks for your replys,
im hoping it was just a blip ive felt ok since the day has wore on
luv sue xx

19-10-05, 17:30
Hi Sue

Just read your thread.

I too had a similar set back last week, but just wanted to say things have now improved and my sleep is returning.

It was definately a little blip and after a couple of days I accepted this and decided that whatever happens at night, I will go with. This attitiude really helped and have now not woken for several nights.

So, just try and let your concerns go, it is just anxiety. You may find that this is enough to help turn the corner again!

Fingers crossed for you!


19-10-05, 18:20
Sue , thats great that you can see it for a blip and it has passed quite quickly

Thats great progress for you.

Well done


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-10-05, 12:04
thanks for your support
luv sue xx