View Full Version : Cold/Anxiety/Medication

19-10-05, 11:32
I have been feeling awful since saturday i have come down with a terrible cold, which has got onto my chest and affected my asthma as well, my breathing is bad, i am wheezing quite a bit, my nose is runny, i have aches everywhere, i feel dizzy and i have a cough as well.

Also i feel edgy and like my body is going to explode and i feel really out of it, my head is very light-headed as well.

Also on monday i had to up my dose of citalopram from 10mg to 20mg as advised by my doctor what effect would this have on me? would it make me feel more anxious and edgy and dizzy like i have been feeling?

Having 3 things at once isn't good at all, don't think i've ever felt so bad.

Comments much appreciated.

19-10-05, 11:50
Unfortunately colds are one of those things that you have to just ride out and there is no miracle cure. Things like cold remedies may help but make sure you are ok to take them with the medication you are on.

I hate colds cos you feel as though you can't breathe so I can sympathise with you.

Upping the dose may make you feel a bit grotty for a while until you settle in to taking it.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

19-10-05, 11:53
Thanks nicola for your reply.

I am taking lemsip containing 1000mg of paracetamol 4 times aday, have been doing that for the last 3 days.

Also taking plenty of vitamin c as i know that is good for colds.

Would upping my citalopram dosage from 10mg to 20mg be making me feel very edgy and light-headed and like i am going to explode i feel on another planet lol.

Cold's and asthma don't go well together and with having anxiety and upping my medication i am very down in the dumps.

19-10-05, 12:24
Hi Andrew

Check that its ok to have lemsip especially if its lemsip extra with your meds. Twice in the past couple of years i have had the worst reactions to cold remedies and wouldnt touch them now,in fact i have to be really careful of any painkillers and just take normal nurofen or paracetamol.

Barb xxxxx

19-10-05, 14:10
I have checked on the box it seems fine for me to take.

I know when upping the dose of an antidepressant it can take awhile for the body to get used to it.

But i do feel very on edge and my head feels funny along with everything else i have lol

19-10-05, 14:25

You're doing all the right things for your cold and now you just have to wait it out till it passes.

Upping your dose may have made you a bit more edgy so between them its not surprising that you feel naff.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-10-05, 17:01
Can anyone else suggest any good cold remedies??

Like i said i am taking 1000mg paracetamol every 4 hours and taking vitamin c but was wondering if there is anything else i can do.

Also for some reason everyone at my doctor's surgery who is on cipralex has been put onto citalopram like me i was concerned about this i started taking the citalopram about 7 days ago, is it much different to cipralex?

20-10-05, 23:24
Hi there,
colds are horrible, hope you are feeling a bit better.
re the breathing thing, last time i had a cold, i found it really helpful to inhale one of those vicks sticks - it helps clear your nasal passage. also, a few drops of olbas oil on a tissue or on your pillow. or, even better, stick a few drops into a bowl of boiling hot water, and inhale. these won't make your cold better but they will help you to breathe.
hope you feel better,
ps eat a spoonful of runny honey every morning and evening to soothe your throat. always works a treat for me.