View Full Version : lady trouble, please help!!

07-09-09, 11:51
Hi all,
I finished my period 4 days ago (thurs), period was fine (as fine as periods can be, lol). But i have just been to the toilet and im bleeding again, as in a proper period again. I now have a low ache down in my pelvic area, totally scared witless now thinking cervical or ovarian cancer!!! I have never bled in between periods and i have never come on again 4 days after finishing a period. thats just not right at all is it, im thinking i should leave it a few days see how it goes and then contact GP for some advice, but i just wanted to know if this has happened to anybody else at all, maybe for just a little reassurance. Thanks for reading, hope to hear from someone! Take care Debs.
Oh and just thought id mention ive had a couple of smears tests and they have been fine, (not sure when my next 1 is due tho).

07-09-09, 12:05
Since my anxiety my periods are crazy late. 41 days last month, still waiting for this one (have been waiting for 42 days ugh) so it definitely affects it. Mine were always right on time - not anymore. Without getting too graphic, the 'flow' has changed too.

Obviously if you're really worried then ask the doc but I think more people get this kind of thing =]

07-09-09, 16:08
What is your bleeding like if you don't mind me asking?

Brown or even light red spotting just after your period can be your body just clearing out from your last period. It can also be ovulation bleeding as this can happen as early as 10 days after the start of your last period. This is usually light and will not last any longer than 36 hours.

It can also be due to a hormonal imbalance between the progesterone and oestrogen. I have had mid cycle pain and spotting on and off for the last couple of years ever since having my 3rd child. You should take comfort in having a normal smear result. I did too and a normal pelvic ultrasound.

Are you on any hormone based contraception as this can cause unusual bleeding and I think some other forms of medication can too? If you are under 40, and have normal smear test results, it is really unlikely to be anything serious - more likely hormone imbalance or perhaps fibroids or endometriosis. You should contact your GP at any rate just to put your mind at rest.

Hope this helps. Take care :)

07-09-09, 16:47
Hi there-
stress can cause your cycle to be wacky because stress directly affects your progestrone levels. Progestrone is the hormone that makes your period start when it drops...and it also makes your period not come when it is too high. It sounds to me like your progestrone level dropped 4 days after your period and that your hormones are out of wack. Are you on the pill? If so...that is why. If not, I would say stress is causing it. That is why girls who freak about being pregnant start after they find out they aren't...once they relax. This should be a wake up call for you! You don't need to worry about cancer or anything because at this point you are letting stress get you. Your body is now telling you that it has had enough and needs a break. Please try to relax.:hugs: and listen to what it is telling you.

07-09-09, 18:56
Thank you for the reasurrance guys, im worried because since suffering anxiety etc my periods have not been affected this way at all. Jo, my bleeding isnt heavy or light just normal (for me) and its not brown or light red, like i said just normal, as if i had just started my period again (only 4 days after ive just finished!!) And im getting period pain again as if im back on my period, its all just very confusing, annoying and it really is worrying me. I am on a contraception pill, Microgynon, ive been on this pill since the birth of my youngest daughter and shes now nearly 8. (im 29 in a couple of weeks). Do you think i should see my GP anyway just to make sure everything is ok? What will he do, or say?? God im scaring myself again now!! Thanks, Debs xx

07-09-09, 21:01
Hi Debs

I would see your doctor as it is always good to get these things checked out. I know a little about this sort of thing as I have suffered with wierd menstrual problems for a while as I said before.

It is very likely to be a hormonal imbalance problem or a problem with your pill. Ovarian cancer is very rare for someone of your age. It is also important to note that being on the pill and being pregnant are a great protection from ovarian cancer as they prevent ovulation. If you have had clear smears, you can also rule out cervical cancer.

It would be advisable to see your GP however both to sort out the problem and to put you mind at rest.

Let me know how you get on and try not to worry (easier said than done I know!!).

Take care x

07-09-09, 21:19
Thank you so much Jo, i will definatley let you know how i get on, im going to ring the doctor tomorrow, as you said for peace of mind if nothing else, again thank you for the kind words and the reassurance. Debs. xx

08-09-09, 00:24
HI! Yes go see your Dr - not because there is something terrible wrong. I'm postive it isn't - but what could be happening is that you may need a stronger BC pill. This happened to me also way back when, I had been onthe same pills for years and then everythign went wacky! - and guess what, I got pregnant! YIKES! I really don't think the extra bleeding is anyting to be hugely concerned about - more like a pain in the butt! And why put up with it if your GP can more than likely give you something to straighten it out!

08-09-09, 10:50
Hiya, i just thought id let u know i have rang the docs this morning but my doc isnt in today, and i dont want to speak or see another as im used to my own doc, but he is back tomorrow, so i will ring again then. But im still bleeding (no heavier or lighter, same), and still concerned although im feeling abit better about it and less panicky!!! Will keep u updated when ive spoken to the doc. thank you all again, Debs xx