View Full Version : is anyone taking propanolol (i think i spelt it right)

07-09-09, 14:21
hiya i have been advised by a docotor at ae that it might be taking propanolol(not sure of the correct spelling) instead of my current blood pressure meds as these would reduce my blood pressure and the palpations the current tabs im on seem to have a side effect of palpatations which i have experienced very badly so im pretty sure it is these causing my palpatations anyones experience of these would be greatly appreciated

07-09-09, 15:04
hi i have taken propranol for around 6 weeks now and have had no probs with them a little tired in the begining but apart from that they have been great they have reduced my blood pressure as well as my heart rate.

07-09-09, 15:14
i've just been put onto these today 10MG twice daily ...

never had a issue with anxiety before and i'm now 29, happened a month back after a mild panic attack so see how they go!

07-09-09, 17:21

Robert - we have a whole sub-forum dedicated to this medication so have a read of the posts in there as well

07-09-09, 17:26
Hello :)

I was taking these last year, they really helped with my heart palpitations but i found that they gave me terrible nightmares/terrors and they made me put a lot of weight on.

I think short term use of them is fine, they helped my heart palpitations alot and i dont take them anymore :) x