View Full Version : Absolutley GUTTED :(

07-09-09, 14:58

Latley my anxiety has been O.K.... i managed to go shopping, to the cinema, even out clubbing with my friends. although i did feel anxious during a few times, i managed to distract myself and let it slide.

but today i started back to college (2nd year & last), and as soon as i sat down in the room, i got sooo warm and felt really faint, so then i started to panic and had to leave the room. since then, ive felt so crap again and cant seem to shake out of it.

anyone relate to this or have a few words of advice? i went straight to my boyfriends house afterwards because he's the only one able to calm me, but i cant depend on him everytime im in college as he has his job and his own life to get on with.

im petrified that i will have to leave and not finish my course :(

sorry this was pretty long, im just very upset and compleatly gutted that im back to square one !

07-09-09, 15:08
You are not back to square one it a minor setback

Like you im am now pretty much panic free but i do get times when i feel just like you did.

Rather than run out or not go, try going out, say to the toilet for a while then return to the class im sure by doing this it will fade

best of luck keep fighting


07-09-09, 15:16
Please dont give up, look how far you have come. I am also recovered although I do have a moment or two where I get a little freaked. I take a look at how far I have come and keep on going. You can do this, remember everything you have learned on how to cope. It ok to have little attacks, but that doesnt mean you are going to go back to where you were. You got this, I have faith in you. Take care.:hugs:

07-09-09, 15:50
thankyou for your replies :)

its just so scary sometimes, but i am greatful for this site and everyone on it :)

07-09-09, 17:17
aw you have my sympathy, I remember that feeling so well.. sitting in that chair in a room full of people feelin trapped, I'd start to feel dizzy, warm, panicky....
the thing is to remember you are not trapped.

my anxiety started quite young and i had huge problems with sitting in a class room. my friend was the same in collage, so she told her tutor about her anxiety and she had some support which was nice . also sitting near a door may help.

07-09-09, 17:21
It was your first day back, your going to be more anxious than usual. Each time you go your anxiety should become less noticeable providing you don't keep telling yourself you will panic again. The first 15mins of the lesson are usually when your anxiety will be at its highest so next time try and concentrate on you breathing. You felt faint because when we panic our bodies 'flight or fight' response is triggered. This diverts more oxygenated blood to the muscles and less to the brain. Because you are in panic part of your brain thinks that you might be about to be attacked by a predator (as you can guess it is not the intelligent part of the brain). So it is preparing you to run or fight it. The faintness is cause by the lack of oxygen in the brain and you feel hot because most of the blood is pooling in your muscles. This is alarming but all quite safe. In fact if you were to punch someone while feeling like this you would probably break their jaw :D. By taking slow deep breaths (expanding you stomach not your chest), you will reduce you anxiety and get more oxygen into your blood. This will help prevent feeling feint. When you feel your anxiety rise rather that fight the sensations or fear them. Let them happen, just observe the feelings and see how many you can identify. If you do this the anxiety will start to subside in 10 to 15mins and you will feel very relaxed. You think your panic will make you weak and vulnerable, but the truth is it actually makes you much stronger and preparing you to face any possible threat. It will not make you faint or loose control, you just think it will. Once you start realizing this you will never be so afraid of panic again.

All the best

John :bighug1:

07-09-09, 19:46

I used to be exactly like you (Finished college 1 years ago). My rooms were SO SO SO boiling hot I couldnt bare it, I missed loads of classes. It was like a sauna in some rooms and I really canty handle heat, Just makes me panic more.

I used to be really bad after lunch as well becuase we had to walk up a large hill to get back to college and I was usually on the top floor (5 floors) which made me feel boiling hot, sick from eating, and dizzy.

I found taking water with me was the best thing so whenever I got hot I could have a drink. And like someone else said try and sit near a door or maybe an open window to stay cool.

Not much advice I know, But dont worry you will get through it. Try to stay positive, I never thought I would get through college but I managed to.

All the best

07-09-09, 19:57
In a nutshell - we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

That and the dreaded 'what ifs?'

You have had a minor setback but don't be too hard on yourself over a slight blip. Look instead to what you have achieved so far and give yourself a pat on the back because you deserve nothing less.