View Full Version : night long anxiety attack

07-09-09, 14:59
I'm really struggling these days. I was doing pretty well for a few months, staying busy, not much anxiety. Then mid August I took an antibiotic that I had a reaction to and haven't been able to get back to my old self since. I still have tingling in my face and distorted vision and am so afraid that will stick around for the rest of my life. Yesterday I read on the internet that someone had luck with magnesium chloride spray in healing the effects, and its also supposed to help with anxiety. I'm med phobic and thought this was the perfect solution - no pill to swallow. So last evening I used the spray, only about 1/4 the recommended amount because I'm so sensitive to everything. All night I had a continuous anxiety attack! This morning I'm still anxious. I don't know what to do. I'm somewhat convinced that my face still tingles because of anxiety - sometimes it feels almost better until I think about it. And I wonder if its really the magnesium that gave me the anxiety or if my fear of it did it. I'm at my wits end! I want to run to the emergency room and tell them to hook me up to an IV and flush out whatever is in my body, but I don't know if they would do that or if it would help. I'm so tired of being so anxious!