View Full Version : Waking Startled at Night

19-10-05, 12:04
I've been having problems sleeping now for the last week. I start to drift off to sleep but wake up suddenly startled, confused and unable to focus properly. I then get violent shakes and muscle spasms which are now thankfully eased with Diazepam.

I was just wondering whether anyone else here experiences the same problem as its absolutely terrifying. I'm 21 and back sleeping with my mum in her bed as I can't face being on my own at the moment. :(

Laura xxx

19-10-05, 13:09
Hi Laura -Jane

I can relate too as I have the same problem, night terrors I call it.
The shaking and spasms is created by the adrenalin + fear, I used to get it badly when my anxiety started, nowadays I still have night terrors but it's more manageable.
I too find it much more difficult when I am alone.
I am sure that many people here can relate to your problem, you're not alone with it , and trust me, it will pass in its own time. Have faith. :)


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

19-10-05, 13:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I've been having problems sleeping now for the last week. I start to drift off to sleep but wake up suddenly startled, confused and unable to focus properly. I then get violent shakes and muscle spasms which are now thankfully eased with Diazepam.

I was just wondering whether anyone else here experiences the same problem as its absolutely terrifying. I'm 21 and back sleeping with my mum in her bed as I can't face being on my own at the moment. :(

Laura xxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Laura-Jane - 19 October 2005 : 12:04:20</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

yeah this is quite common in the acute stage of anxiety, it does pass. I think some of it may have to do with a disturbed sleep pattern.

19-10-05, 13:45
Hi Laura-Jane,
Sorry you are having a rough time right now, i had exactly the same a couple of weeks back, once i was re-assured it was anxiety, and didn't let it scare me too much, it has sort of faded. It will ease off, take care xxxxxxxxx

03-05-07, 09:10
Hey LAura Jane! I am new to this place but I am so happy to be here reading everything and realizing that I am not alone. I have made my flatmates sleep in my bed and I also needed physical contact. I needed an arm around me or a leg touching my leg. I thought I was weird, but it was a comfort to be in company. My first one was when things seemed to be crashing around me. I had my mothyer take me to the hospital accross the street. I thought I was going to die! It turned out to be a panic attack. I had a few more proceeding that. I had to crawl in to bed with my Nana because I could not sleep. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I fell in to deep sleep. It will pass though and know that its normal to not want to be alone for fear of the panic. bless

Carnation verde