View Full Version : Ant phobia is destroying me

07-09-09, 16:08
I have just found this site and hope someone can help me!
I have a phobia/severe anxiety about ants, yes I know its stupid but I can't help it. For about the past 10 years we've had them in the house, worst occassion was whilst I was pregnant, it was my birthday been out for a meal, came home to over 100 dead flyong ants all over the dining room.
This year to help I went to a hypnotherapist, trouble is that this seems to have made the problem work, she seemed to think it was an attatched phobia probably from childhood, but to carry on seeing her was to expensive.
I have had a really bad summer although not many ants the odd 1 will send me crying, I have thought about ending it all but my 7 year old son has Aspergers/autism and I can't do that to him.
I have seen the doctor who prescribed citalopram but only been 2 weeks and not much effect, I just want to get better, I hate myself for being like this.
It has now got to the point that I don't want to leave the house in case loads come in.
Any advice is welcome and if anyone is like me please let me know I'm not alone.

07-09-09, 16:50
Hang on in there the drugs can take 3 or 4 weeks to work
Have you tried CBT


07-09-09, 17:22
First of all never think you have a stupid phobia- personally I don't think there is any such thing as a stupid phobia. Whats rational to one person is completly irrational to another.

I have a similar situation in that I have a phobia not many people share so I understand if you feel alone or silly for thinking the way you do but what you feel about ants is in no way different to someone who fears heights/dentists all you have is a different trigger.

Sorry that it got to the stage that you felt so low but hopefully you find the help and support you need here- there is a really good survival guide to citalopram written by one of our users that you might find useful http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=46980 to help you through the next couple of weeks.

07-09-09, 17:35
Everyone on this site is pretty much like you, I'm a phobia sufferer as well and the only difference between phobia and anxiety is avoidance. Otherwise we are all anxiety sufferers and in many ways all like you. So we all can empathize and relate to you problems. And you are definitely not alone. :hugs:

So any time you need advice or support, just let us know.

All the best


07-09-09, 18:51
Just wanted to say thank you all for replying.
A lot has happened in the last 7 years, my son was born 9 weeks early, he had to have 3 emergency operations and then aged 4 got an autism diagnosis, and at the same time so did my hubby.
I think i've tried to be strong and in control for the last 7 years but unfortunately have now crashed,(big time) and the ants are the final straw. It's reassurring to know that there are other people in a similar situation so thanks again.