View Full Version : I give up on citalopram, i cant handle it any more !!!

sarah jayne
07-09-09, 19:57
Hi everyone, some have probably noticed me moaning about citalopram over the last few weeks, i feel ive given it a chance and really cant go on anymore. Ive had a constant headache since starting it, the worst one ive ever had, it really feels like my head is going to explode and today the pain has made me sick. It just wont go away and with having 2 young children to look after i just cant live like this. I also had a reaaly bad panic attack earlier, i feel so ill. Im going to stop taking it as from now, i just hope that i dont get bad withdrawel symptoms....

07-09-09, 20:00
I,ve been taking mine for just over a week now i don't know how i affects other people but for me my anxiety has doubled i am hoping that i will see some benefits from it shortly instead of nasty side effects.

07-09-09, 20:57
Sarah Jayne, what dose are you on? Did you have headaches at all before citalopram? Do you need glasses maybe, or do you spend a lot of time using computers?

If you're certain you are not tolerating citalopram you should either taper off or switch to another SSRI on your doctor's advice - hope the next one suits you better.

MadPikey - I went through hell with anxiety after starting citalopram but my side effects began to die down after several weeks, so stick with it.

sarah jayne
07-09-09, 21:08
Im only on the starting dose of 10mg. I was on 40mg a few years ago with no problems but this time its totally different. Ive never really suffered from headaches, except last year when i had an injection in my spine and i ended up in hospital with one so bad that i couldnt open my eyes ! I had my eyes checked last week and they are fine. I dont really spend that much time on the computer, i suppose its about a couple of hours per day. I take amitryptaline at bedtime because of a neck problem so im wondering if they are not mixing well because amitrptaline is also used as an antidepressant...
Anyway im going to go to the doctors tomorrow and tell him im stopping them and hopefully i'll soon feel better. Thanks for your replies...x

07-09-09, 21:31
You can mix cit and ami without negative interaction but it is possible that one or both of them may be giving you these headaches. Good luck with whichever you try next... but give some consideration to inositol!

07-09-09, 23:08
Sarah I have taken both and they both gave me bad headache s.The amitriptyline was worse for me .Cut down your dose of cit to 5mg or you wont feel too good .Good luck at the drs .x sue x