View Full Version : Lack of exercise

07-09-09, 20:37
Since being on meds and not leaving the house i put on a shed load of weight and in the last two months iv had a tight feeling in my right groin (crease of legs), i spend most of my day lying on that side im quite anxious over it and cant figure out what it could be no strains or pains just tightness could this be from laying on my side so much, being over weight and not exercising it at all?
Its probably a completely stupid question but I dont wanna have to go back to the doctors again and expose myself so any thoughts or suggestions would be great!

07-09-09, 20:55

You probably are correct and a wee bit of exercise would help. Please remember to take it easy at first. I would also advise anyone who has not exercised for a while to pay a visit to their GP and get the ok before starting.

07-09-09, 21:43
Is it possible to get stretch marks in the crease of your groin do you think? Ive got a few on my legs and under arm from putting weight on so quickly.
I thought perhaps the tight feeling could be the stretch mark type thing in the crease of my leg

07-09-09, 21:51
hi luke, it's deffo possible to get stretch marks around your groin area cuz i've got em!

The tightness and also pain i also get, i had scans and everything, sometimes it's caused by swollen tubes from the testicles ( quite common and it's fine) also it can be caused by keeping your feet crossed for long periods of time.

I still get pain when lifting my right foot off the ground or by taking my right shoe off ( without using my hands i mean )

07-09-09, 21:56
Hi Gazman yeah with regards to the swollen tubes i was diagnosed years ago with chronic epididymitis as a result of a injury.
It seems like stretch marks got them in quite a few places, the one in my groin is in the crease of my leg fairly long about 2 inches and dark coloured at the moment its not really sore burns slightly after poking at it but so do my other ones. I wondered if this stretch in skin in that area could cause a tightness feeling.

07-09-09, 23:19
Luke the area you are describing the pain it sounds like a simple groin strain. It only becomes painful if you pull the muscle, a simple strain just feels tight and sometimes sore. I should know I used to get lots of them playing football. If you wonder how you got it, then the fact that you put on weight quickly probably helped caused it.

All the best


07-09-09, 23:24
Thanks John thats a interesting point I put on quite allot was really thin and lanky before lol.
I do have a stretch mark in that area at the crease near the bottom where the thigh joins on I suppose that could also explain the tight feeling.
Im really glad ive found this forum I feel so much better after talking to people and to be honest iv had more help and support than i have had from my c.p.n.
My biggest problem is making my glands there sore iv prodded them sooo much in the last two weeks the one on the right side is tender now even though its tiny.

07-09-09, 23:33
Can't offer to much help with the glands, I doubt continually prodding as done them much good though. I understand its easy to obsessed when you are so anxious. The only thing I can think of is to wear boxing gloves for a couple of weeks :D.

All the best


07-09-09, 23:35
Lol well I asked the doctor about the glands and she didnt seem that interested said if they werent raised or anything she wasnt interested in checking them. Well i kept prodding them and made them tender its almost like I want something to be wrong with me sometimes, if i cant find something i go looking i go round in circles. Really need a hobby lol or boxing gloves