View Full Version : hello new and bit scared

07-09-09, 22:54
hi my name lorraine, im 24 and mother of 3 and have have been suffering from anxiety and panic attack for about 3 year, been on meds and concilling etc, havent a clue y i get this or what driggers this,i was handling it fine the pass 6 month or so but its here again, and im scared of loosing control agaain, it changed the person i once was.....

07-09-09, 23:18
Hi Lorraine and :welcome: .

you will find lots of support here that will help you get through this tough time,dont be scared you are among friends now..

Take care and best wishes

P x:flowers:

07-09-09, 23:19
Hi ya :welcome:

I hope you find NMP as supportive and helpful as i have since joining a couple of weeks ago.

I can identify with the "losing it" feeling", but you won't, it just one of the symtoms of anxiety.

I found some useful info in the colomn on the left hand side of the page. Symptom heading explains a great deal.

Hope have a better day tomorrow,

Take care


08-09-09, 11:14
Hiya Lorraine,
I don't think anyone really knows what causes panic attacks. I had them for many years and they have recently subsided.
I think the leprachauns took them and buried them somewhere. Ha.
Are you glad school is back?
It's great this site for making us feel less alone or misunderstood.
See you around on here,
bye for now
love ruby

08-09-09, 11:29
hiya and welcome to our family,,,we are a mixed bunch so you,ll always get info on something,,,i find no matter what strange feeling i have be it a thought, or something to do with anx or panic,,,someone here has posted about it,,which helps quieten the nagging doubts we all have,,,hope you settle in well ,,:hugs:

08-09-09, 15:53
Hi Lorraine,
i think the sentance "it's changed the person i was" is probebly the most common one here, we all want to be what we once were, i am so sorry things aren't going too well for you at the moment, but think about the time when you did get better and you will again i'm sure, just try to accept that for now your not feeling great, try not to fight it because that makes things more frustrating and in turn leads to more panic, try to think i am not at my best right now but i will get better if i give myself time.
Take care
Sharon :)

08-09-09, 16:22
Hi Lorraine....oh how I'd love to change the clock back.....but we will get there....welcome to NMP where everyone would love a time machine.....

Take care.....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....
