View Full Version : New here, very hopeful

08-09-09, 01:10
Yet another new member here :) I suffered my first panic attack about 1.5 years ago, completely freaked me out as it hit me hard and my arms/legs/face went numb and completely frozen. The ambulance driver told me it was a panic attack, but I was unconvinced until seeing a doctor several weeks later who confirmed what it was.

Since then, I've had my good days and bad days, though it seems to be taking a steady downward pace lately as I find myself more and more unwilling to leave home. My latest worry has been health anxiety - that's how I found this site, by trying to find out what type of cancer I must have from Dr. Google. This site has helped a lot with getting me to stop searching every symptom I can conjure up, though it's still hard.

I'm 22, male, living with my long-term girlfriend, have finance issues (we get by, but barely) and am trying to immigrate to Canada (gf's home country). I currently have no health insurance, though hopefully that will be changing soon. I look forward to being able to seek medical and psychiatric help to put my mind at ease and regain control, so my hope is to try and stay sane long enough to find a way to manage this.

I realize it's a bit of a rambling post, but I guess what I'm trying to say is... hey.

08-09-09, 10:48
Hi, Just read your post.
Yes, the scariest thing in the world that first panic attack, yours sounds just like my first one was. It is five years past now and they have finally subsided. The thing that will always baffle me is 'why'.
It would seem it one of the many unanswerable questions of life!
Good luck with sorting out your insurance and finding the help youseek.
This site is very supportive, full of people that understand where we are at.
bye for now
kind regards