View Full Version : Strange triggers...

08-09-09, 03:01
From reading the forum over the last hour or so I've noticed a lot of symptoms that I have had / have and lots of people saying about symptoms changing from one thing to another but I'm wondering if (like I do) other people have their triggers that cause attacks change at all?

For instance when I 1st started having palitations and attacks I was scared of getting out of breath.. worries that if I'm this out of breath now when I have a attack what would happen if I was swimming or in the gym and already puffing and panting and then had one... would my head explode? lol

But now I visit the gym regularly and exersise which I find helps me a lot but now I seem to get triggered by things like video's on youtube of somebody I don't know... for example falling off a skateboard and breaking an arm, it goes right through me and I start to sweat and feel sick, my mouth goes dry and all sorts. I'm not a squeemish person generally and have at many times in the past watched things like that and worse with no adverse effects at all... wierd I say! its like anxiety changes what my mind can cope with at random :shrug:.

Ever had anything similar??

08-09-09, 11:08
Yes, I can't watch New York buildings, people happily stood at heights and so on! Bungee jumping is off the agenda then!
Any pain at all also.
I sometimes wonder if we are simply just so sensitive!
Oh, ok then, we are simply just weird!
Ha, no, I actually believe that it is Ok to feel sensitive to heights, supermarkets, speed in vehicles, noise and vexation etc...it's all very unnatural the pace of life in this day and age. I have no idea how anyone 'copes' with it.
See you in the Outer Hebrides!
love to you

08-09-09, 14:41
I have triggers as well. They're not as easily set off if I'm in a good phase, but having been in a bad one for a month now, seems I'm sensitive to so many things. I don't watch the news because there are so many things that can set me off.