View Full Version : Itchiness at night

08-09-09, 04:31
Does anyone ever get really itchy, it's driving me mad(er) and stressing me out. I haven't ate anything new or been exposed to any new chemicals and don't have a rash so it's either a panic thing or maybe mixing asprin and duloxetine which the label says I shouldn't but doc says is OK.

The last 2 or 3 nights I've been really struggling to sleep as I've been getting so agitated- not so much anxious just really restless, itchy and grumpy snapping at everyone. Seems to go on from about 1am til I drop off which lately is anything between 4-7am.

Just wondering if anyone experienced this or if I maybe need to add anti-histamine to my ever expanding medicine cabinet (mostly full of drugs I've refused to take).

Carla louise
08-09-09, 10:35
Hi Luci loo,
I would go right back to your doctor, I don't think its anything serious but you can't go on like that, with your sleep being effected-not good, there is obviously some problem that the doctor needs to diagnose. It must be driving you mad, please let us know how you get on x x

08-09-09, 11:34
i always itch at night i think its where our body overheats sometimes ,but always best to get it checked as carla said

08-09-09, 11:46
I get a prickly itching when I am stressed. I also felt like I had nettle stings when I took some tabs that dont suit me. Can you take paracetomol instead of aspirin?

08-09-09, 16:42
Have an appointment on Monday- couldn't get one sooner with the doctor I usually see.

Feel a lot better today after a good sleep- my OH thinks it's just because I swopped the summer cover for the winter cover and its been a lot cooler the last couple of days. I was agitated last night more than usual because one of the kittens got his head stuck and because he doesn't like being picked up (he's an ex-feral I've been taming) it was a massive drama to get him out. I was quite calm at first but after a couple of hours he was still hiding under the bed sulking and wouldn't eat and I was convinced he was dying and would need a kitty mri and was shouting at my poor OH at 4.40 this morning because he wouldn't let me phone the vet (I phone the vet a lot, almost after every sneeze after I lost my old man cat). In the end I defrosted some chicken at 5.30 and cooked it for him and that tempted him out and he had something to eat gave me a slap or two and went back to hiding. I'm not itchy now, only if I think about it, but going to try having a cool bath before bed tonight and see if that helps. I have some diamazepan on standby as well.

08-09-09, 16:44
Weird you should be saying that iv been itching non stop all day , my scalp , back of thighs arms and every where just feels itchy iv no rash or anything either.

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 17:11
ive had these itching bouts for years and when i scratch the itces i get really red raised marks not sure if its something to do with ads in general

08-09-09, 17:13
Probably not related but i found some soaps for me it was imperial leather made me skin terribly itchy and my under arms from certain deodrants some of us just have sensitive skin i suppose. When i had shingles that really itched!