View Full Version : Rushed to hospital last night. RE: Palpitations

08-09-09, 06:50
Went back to work after 3 weeks off with a neck injury. Day went fine. Left about 3.50PM to get train for docs app. Halfway into my brisk 15min walk to the station felt my chest go funny. Stopped and checked and it was going fast.

To cut a long story short, made it to City Link train stn at which point I contacted a station assistant who helped me lie on floor with cold water & called an ambulance. My chest was seriously racing at this point.

Ambulance came & i was given an ecg in the ambulance. By that time it was calming slightly but was still 120bpm. then it fluctuated between 90 & 110.

Went into hospital as ecg was abnormal to them but was given a clean bill of health as pulse reduced to the 80ish mark.

My BP though was 161/103 on one of the readings which frightened me a little.

Last week it was taken and was 127/91(i think)

Was sent on my way after about 5 hours, but what a hellish evening. & now im worried about my BP!!!

Could it be high as a result of the situation and calm down overnight?

08-09-09, 07:21
Just checked my pulse this morning and it is 59bpm!

08-09-09, 08:15
stress n axniety is very cruel to us sufferes.. that too happened to me 2wks ago, result, nothing to worry about i was told...i have palps n flutters every day, trying to ignore them.hope you feel better soon.

08-09-09, 09:08
Well exercise like brisk walking can whack you bpm up, just the stress and anxiety could have made things feel 100 times worse, especially given it was the first day back, then rushing for a train to go for a docs appointment, it'll all add up.

Glad to hear you're fine though.

Veronica H
08-09-09, 09:26
:bighug1: Its anxiety. Many of us could tell the same A&E story with the same result. The symptoms are so powerful it is hard to accept that it is not some major physical event. This will get better as your nerves repair themselves. Fear is what keeps the cycle going.


08-09-09, 11:33
its so horrible to go through that, i myself have been to a@e a few times cos thought i was on my way out glad you got the all clear though

08-09-09, 20:38
Had another one today and left work early. ended back in st thomas again. several hours later, back home none the wiser & feeling very down :(

08-09-09, 20:44
I have called an ambulance due to same feelings
Anxiety is increadibly powerful sadly

Glad you are OK
