View Full Version : Too scared to move due to sneezing

Rocket Girl
08-09-09, 06:55
I wanted to share something with you which is a female thing. I thought I was the only one who sneezed and leaked. This loss of urine even though it was a small dribble now and again, started to take over my life to the extent that I ended my relationship, convinced myself I smelled and became so self worthless that I didnt have a life anymore.
I thought this was an 'old' lady problem or typical after many kids, I am 25 and have no kids, so guess who is the freak!
After deciding pads was not the answer and looking at other forums I soon discovered that I am part of millions of women just like me. I did find a product that helped a lot and with physiotherapy I am able to live a normal life again. When asked did I do pelvic floor exercises I said of course I do, only to find out I was doing it wrong and not enough. The hospital gave me a medical device called Incostress which I wear night and day. It looks like a silicone tampon. It stopped the leaking immediately and I can do my pelvic floor exercises properly with this in place.
I just want to share this with you as if there is anyone else suffering, you dont need to. Go make an appointment to see a continence nurse or physiotherapist. My doctor was useless and only offered me pads, I went back and demanded to be referred to a nurse who could help the problem not mask it.
Heres to a new life. :yahoo:

08-09-09, 09:40
so pleased that you have found somthing that has worked and thanks for sharing :bighug1:

Veronica H
08-09-09, 09:40
:yesyes: I'm really pleased for you. Your info will encourage others to get help too.


17-03-10, 20:36
I know this was posted a long time ago, however, I wanted to add that I am experiencing the same annoying thing...leaking and it is soooooo not fun, it has been a month and it gets better sometimes and other times it leaks....I am only 33 and I have never had kids, however, I recently pulled my groin, pelvic thigh area and ever since I have been experiencing this.... :(