View Full Version : OMG the pain :-(

08-09-09, 09:30
I have a tooth infection and I'm due root canal on it tomorrow morning :weep:

Dentist didn't give me anti-biotics, but said to treat the pain with painkillers; which I've done.

However, I have had really, really pain behind my ears and it got so bad that I've just been to the walk in clinic at the hospital and the doctor there said that my gland was inflammed. He didn't really say much, gave me some codeine to take and sent me on my way.

Now to a non HA person, they would say "great, thanks for the tablets!" but I'm thinking "OMG the pain is unbearable and why are my glands inflammed, do I have cancer or some other nasty diease?" *sigh*

I asked if the painful gland was related to my tooth and he shrugged and said "possibly" What a great way to reassure me and my HA!

Do you think they're linked?

WHY am I always ill? My fiance says I make myself ill with all my worrying...

Just waiting for the codeine to kick in, god I hope it does and the pain is so bad..sorry for the rant and thanks guys x

08-09-09, 09:39
probably make yourself ill to be honest love, I do the same lately make things seem 100 times worse than they are which creates anxiety which creates pains in differant places, its a never ending circle

have you got anything for anxiety that will calm you down?

Propranolol is very good. x

08-09-09, 09:44
yeah I have propranolol, but am scared to take it with the codiene in case it reacts - what do you reckon, is it safe to mix them?

08-09-09, 09:48
oh yeah should be ok, i was put on Propranolol yesterday only had one 10MG and felt fine for the rest of the day and slept like a baby.

i had 2 codeine for a headache i picked up during day too so you should be ok hun :)

take a Codeine then maybe in a hour or so take a Propranolol xx

08-09-09, 09:54
You have pain because you have a tooth infection. You have inflammation because you are in pain. The doctor clearly wasn't too concerned about it because he just give you some painkillers and sent you on your way. You fiance is probably correct, your worrying is likely to make you feel worse.

You have anxiety. Anxiety is a negative emotion that interferes with our ability to rationally analyze situations. It makes us think in negative extremes. You are trying to analyze the pain and find its cause but you are only looking for negative answers. You are looking for worst case scenarios so you will only find worst case scenarios. If all the aches and pains we suffer were all worst case scenarios the human race would have died out a millennium ago. I have social phobia and I always think people are judging me negatively when I don't get a response I expected. But I now usually question those thoughts. I realize that my anxiety is affecting my thought processes in a negative way so I can't always trust them. CBT helps you understand these principles and shows you techniques to try and correct you negative thoughts.

All the best


08-09-09, 12:17
Thanks for your replies...the pain is still bad despite the codeine and my glands at the back of my head are hurting now. Can't take anymore painkillers for another hour...just feel like my head is going to blow up.

Rubbish :weep: