View Full Version : panic/anxiety and time of the month

08-09-09, 10:31
my panic/anxiety has worsened over the last 2 days, could it be due to my period starting? I am fairly new to panic/anxiety so haven't had a chance to establish if any one thing triggers it. Does anyone else feel worse around the time of their period? If so, is there any particular thing I can take or eat which may help please? I have only suffered panic/anxiety for 2 months, but reading some of the posts on here from those poor people who have been suffering for years, I feel really downhearted that this will never get better, but will just get worse and worse as the months/years go by.

08-09-09, 11:14
Hi There Sedalia,

Just want you to know that i totally no where you are coming from with regard to the time of the month as i always get really really anxious in the build up to it and during for a while to i definetly think although i am not a doctor that my own anxiety worsens whenit is that time of the month -- i have asked my doctor if there has been any investigation into hormones and anxiety and she advised there hasnt ---- i also found that when i was on the contraceptive pill ovysmen obviously also (hormone related) my anxiety shot through the roof but as soon as i came off it within a few days my anxiety decreased and it wasnt because i was worried about taking it either because ive been on it before i had my son ---- hope this helps you a bit


08-09-09, 14:05
I do find that when my period is getting ready to start that I get a little dizzy although it doesnt bother me much anymore because I have learned it is due to the blood volume flucuating. I have to disagree with the above post about hormones and anxiety. When I started to hit perimenopause I was told that it could cause some depression which in tun could lead to anxiety. It is such a vicious cycle with anxiety and depression. Try drinking lots of water and keep your sugar level up when PMS hits. Get plenty of sleep if you can and remember to breathe. Hormones are God awful, it is during these times being a woman stinks. Take care.

08-09-09, 14:15
I have not had a period since giving birth 6 1/2 months ago and my hormone levels are all over the place. Coincidently I have never suffered with anxiety before and it set it severely around four months ago. I definately have ups and downs throughout the month and have been taken off citalopram as it raised my prolcatin levels. Thyroid also low and now trying to battle through this without medication. I am waiting to see and Endocrinoligist to investigate my hormone levels.

Anyway in answer to your question yes hormones can play a huge part but at least you can time it with your cycle i'm still waiting for mine to return


08-09-09, 16:53
I find tha during that time my anxiety gets worse, but during *that* time its just easier for things to get to me, I cry easier and get really emotional so it never surprises me that I get worse during my period.

It's good to remember that a lot of people post in their darkest hours needing help- try having a peek at the sucess stories of people who have managed to control their anxiety. Also with things like CBT therapy we don't really "get better" we learn how to deal with it and eventually stop our negative thoughts so don't be downheartened.

08-09-09, 17:16
Hi Sedalia,

I've only been suffering with Anxiety for 2 months now, but I can definitely say that it got worse just before and during my period.

I know what you mean when you read other peoples stories and you feel so sorry for them but also feel downhearted yourself cos you can't see an end to it.

I've been told to keep a diary so you can record your experiences day by day and see if a pattern arises. Also you can look back and remind yourself of when you felt okay, if only for a little while. At least it's something to hold on to.


08-09-09, 19:07
it definietly does in my opion. I have found primrose oil helps abit

08-09-09, 19:18
camomile tea has helped me some, i was told it is calming and i think it does work a bit. does anyone else have any suggestions?

09-09-09, 08:15
Thank you everyone, I feel so down at the moment, just as I thought I was getting better it's back worse thsan ever. Do you know if it's ok to take evening primrose oil everyday or can you only take it leading up to your period? (the instructions on the bottle say "take around the time of your period" so it's not very clear)

11-09-09, 11:46
Glad I found this thread. Just started my period yesterday but since Saturday have had an awful week, Saturday, Tuesday and Weds just wanted to end it all. However now its finally here I'm having a better day today (at least for the moment). Always suffered from PMS but due to stress/anxiety/phobia and depression never this bad before.

11-09-09, 13:07
Thank you all for your replies - Bella, I feel exactly the same, this has been my worse week so far - my anxiety/panic is bad enough at the best of times, I really can't face the thought of it increasing 10 fold every time I have my period. It's really frightening.