View Full Version : anxiety problem?

08-09-09, 11:00
Hello firstly i would like to say im new to this site and thank you for anyone who is reading this :) im 19 and a male who lives in the UK.
Recently ive been having fears of illness and more so of sudden death. It all started a 5 weeks ago when i went to the doctors with enlarged lymph nodes on my chest the doctor assured me it was an infection because of my headaches, abdominal pains. Since that first doctor ive seen 3 more in 3 weeks because i still have the enlarged lymph nodes, finally the last doctor i saw sent me for blood tests and white blood cell counts to rule out lymphoma, everything came back clear so she said it was just because of the infection and they would go down. In between going to all the doctors i was looking up symptoms online in books anything i could get my hands on and they were all saying diseases that are really scaring me like cancer or heart problems. Lately ive been feeling detached from reality and keep getting headaches along with shaking that go away if im distracted. I find myself constantly scanning myself and the internet because of a fear of illness and ultimatly death. I cant focus on anything im finding it hard to talk to family or friends, they notice im not myself and keep asking me whats wrong but if i tell them im worried they may call me ridiculous, its becoming a real problem. A few nights ago on the tv i saw something about adult sudden death syndrome and now im convinced this will affect me, i have a really strong feeling of impending doom when im up and about and everything seems unreal. The thing is i know that this isnt my normal self but i cant let go of it now im constantly over analyzing and really scared, i want to go back to the way i was before but it seems so out of reach. For the last few weeks ive just been in and out of my bed, in a way just waiting for something bad to happen. Ive always been and anxious and worrier type of person but never to this extent where im having panic attacks and these feelings and scared of sleeping. Ive had this a for a quite a short time and its already ruining my life, i truly sympathize with people who have had feelings like this for very long periods. Does this sound like and anxiety disorder of any sort?
Thanks for reading and replies would be appreciated :)

08-09-09, 12:58
Hi Jimbo and welcome :)

I think you already know the answer to your own question, yes, you are suffering from anxiety, health anxiety by the sounds of it.
If you have a look at some of the posts here you can see just how common health anxiety is and how people of all ages are affected..you're definitely not alone!
I don't have health alxiety myself (HA) but one thing I have learned from being on the forum and talking to others who do have it is the tendency to google all their symptoms, it is the worst thing you can do.
So, here's a few suggestions. On the left of the page under "main menu" is a section on Health Worries, have a look under Health Anxiety because there is plenty of helpful information.
I do think you should go back to your doctor and tell them you are suffering panic attacks and extreme anxiety, they may be able to help you.
Be brave and confide in family/friends. If it helps, show them this site, there are plenty of young people here, some even younger than yourself who are going through precisely the same thing. It is nothing to be ashamed of, anxiety of one sort or another can affect any of us but there are things we can do to help ourselves.
There is alwyas someone here to offer a listening ear so never feel worried about posting too much..just keep away from Google! :D

08-09-09, 13:19
Hi Jimbo

I totally understand what you are going through and can relate fully. Im only 23 and struggle to think why is this happening to me. The first massive step is realising its anxiety. Im here anytime to talk:D


08-09-09, 13:22
Hey Jimbo im the same im 26 and iv always had it marginally but in the last year or so its got worse, have you tried anything to help distract yourself thats what iv currently been trying to do. I got sleeping pills for the nights i simply cant sleep through worry about my health. Id suggest perhaps going and having a word with your gp about how you feel they might be able to help

08-09-09, 14:10
Yep, you have anxiety - just like the rest of us! Either GAD or HA - its a pain in the butt! I can't tell you what a struggle it is sometimes just to get out of bed and I fight with myself constantly! Like Luke I have always had a touch of both GAD & HA but since I turend 40 it has gotten much worse. You are so not alone!!!

08-09-09, 14:15
Thanks alot for the advice guys, i was looking through all the other posts on health anxiety and it was really surprising to see all the ways it could manifest itself. I will make an appointment with my GP and see what they say because i cant go on like this for years but id imagine that controlling anxiety will take some time. What sort of things do you think a GP would do to help me with this?
Thanks :)

08-09-09, 14:25
The GP might suggest medication for a quick fix but by no means is it a cure. They could refer you to a councellor or recommend CBT to change your thought processes.

08-09-09, 18:57
I'm just having so much trouble at the moment dealing with death ; of myself and even my parents and siblings. I find myself sometimes just trying to avoid them because sometimes when i look at them i just know one day im going to be without them unless i die first which makes me feel anxious and depressed aswell, its something i cant take any comfort from because its absolutly imminent. I'm finding it to much and worrying about and breaking down constantly about it and any little symptoms i get.

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 19:06
You sound just like me jimbo i worry constantly about being ill and dying and i also constantly thinking about how im ever going to cope if anyone close to me dies , i know its going to happen and it happens to us all but i just cant deal with it , i m always thinking if something happens to my parents ( who are getting old now) or my daughter that i will end up being so ill i will have to be sectioned because i just will not be able to cope :ohmy: