View Full Version : Hello the wanderer returns

08-09-09, 11:02
Hello everyone,
I am back on here.
The panic attacks have subsided, pretty much. It only took five years for them to reach their conclusion. How did I get rid of them? No answer to that! One of lifes unanswerable questions it would seem.
Just got the creeping anxiety to deal with now.
It is keeping me awake, all hours and some days I can do nothing useful or constructive without it being a huge effort and indeed painful.
God! Hark at me! I didn't realise how bad it was until I wrote that!! Ha!!
Enough of that then!
Look forward to meeting new people on here...perhaps I should visit the joke section next.
Bye for now

08-09-09, 16:04
hi ruby

Just to say hi and welcome you back,
wishing you well