View Full Version : im so scared all the time

08-09-09, 12:07
Not posted for a while but felt a need today, feel a right wreck, i have been suffering from panic attacks since june now, im on 20mg citalopram, propanolol and i have diazapan for emergencies, i have been off work for the last 5 weeks, first thing in the morning i feel okish but as the day weat=rs on i feel myself getting worse and worse, i cant summon up any enthusiasm for anything, every pain i have i think this is it im going to die, i have been getting pins and needles all over the place, every day i diagnose myself with some different fatal illness, yesterday i could feel my heart beating in my stomach when lying down, so convinced myself i had an anuyrism, i have had blood works, ecg's and chest xray over the months but i still cant convince myself that this is all down to anxciety, im at the doctors every week waning reassurance, it just wont sink in, i see a councellor now and feel great when i come out from seeing her, then i get a pain in my chest or arm or pins and needles somewhere and think oh s**t im really not ok, im thinking constantly all day and worrying i try and think of good things but i cant stay focused for very long, i feel emotionally drained constantly, i hate being like this, i just want to be my normal self again, im 38 and start uni in 2 weeks to do my nurse training, i was so excited about it a few months back but now am really dreading it, also going to new york in 3 weeks with friends but am scared stiff im gonna be a liability! just dunno how to cope with this anymore, so sorry for the long post just needed to get things off my chest !!!

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08-09-09, 12:48
:hugs:your not alone with your fears hun,,there not a day goes by without something worrying me,,and of course then we wake up expecting something to go wrong,,i cant take your fears away,,if i could i would,,and i mean that,,but it has really helped me being on here ,,seeing im not alone,,ive got inspired by people to keep going ,,and see my fears for what they are,,fears and not realities,,take one day at a time,and because i had a rough day one day doesnt mean the next will be bad,,keep going hun,,and you will make a wonderful nurse because you will have an understanding of peoples fears,,we need people like you,,lol,

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 13:24
Im the same im scared 24/7 from the moment i wake up til i go to sleep ,i feel awful i have constant dizziness , im so tired i cant keep my eyes open but then if i drop of to sleep i wake up having anxiety attack so then get scared of going to sleep, i have now become agraphobic and hardly go anywhere unless i really have to , the n i get so worked up about it that i end up throwing up and even more dizzy , im depressed also and i can tell you im so fed up its like i fel like i cant go on living anymore , im 39 years old and im so scared of something happening to me , so your not alone :hugs:

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 13:51
i know this sounds a bit daft but i get scared of feeling scared does that make any sense to anyonexx

08-09-09, 13:53
perfect sense to me hun lol

08-09-09, 14:05
I am the same way - it is such a struggle to just move and you think the WORST of everything. I had to force myself to get up this morning and go to work - I had a huge with with my hubbie this past weekend - I though he was going to leave me. The fight was my fault and inside I know he is not goign to leave me - but my anxiety starts to go and my HA gets going and before you know it we are divorced and I am alone! Who else has terrible self esteem too?? I feel terrible about myself too like I don't deserve anything!!

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 14:13
Yep i do feel like you my hubbie threatened to leave me last week coz hes fed up with hearing me moan about how i feel ill all the time , i feel worthless, like theres just no point being here anymore , i feel like i only struggle through for my daughter xx

08-09-09, 15:19
You are not alone :hugs:

I to suffer from terrible anxiety and I feel scared all day about just feeling scared if that makes any sense. I've convinced myself I'm going to have a heart attack or something because I've read people with anxiety and stress are more prone to it so of course that sticks in my head.

I don't know why one day I was ok then suddenly the anxiety was here and never went away. I have tried some many things, medication, counselling, CBT, natural remedies etc and nothing at all helps takes the edge of the anxiety.

It is so hard. Please go on holiday and have a great time. I'm so jealous as I'm 29 and I am obsessed with New York despite never going, that is my dream holiday and once I can control this bloomin anxiety more I will be going. I want to go next Xmas so fingers crossed.

08-09-09, 15:41
Was thinking i really dont have much self worth/ esteem ..... seems its common with HA, i wonder if its a causative factor ( gosh what a fancy term, dont know where that came from!!)


08-09-09, 18:42
This can happen to anyone i'm a 28 yr old man and i had my first attack seven weeks ago.Before that i boxed for over ten years and wasn't the type of person to be scared of any thing.I now sit in the house with chest pains sweating and numb arms in an absolute panic 24hrs a day thinking i'm going to die and crying,I can't even get a sleep because as soon as i fall over i waken up gasping for air.I too like most people have to fight on myself as i moved to scotland from northern ireland 6 years ago and my family is still over there.This is a crippling disease of the mind as i myself have had 2 ecgs 1 blood test been checked over by 3 different doctors at the health centre once at a+e and at 2.00am this morning by the doctor on call dispite this i still think i'm dying 24hrs a day.u r not alone my self worth has gone out the window as well.Be cool,Ryan

08-09-09, 18:49
Ryan you sound exactly like me. i have had all the tests like you and still panic. I have weird chest pains right now and am all panicky and sweating really want to go A and E but trying to resist.