View Full Version : Other people & your anxiety

08-09-09, 12:34
Sometimes the fact that on top of everything else, the people in my life like to interfere with things they don't know about gets to me.
I know they want to help and that they care

-If my doctor put me on certain meds thats up to him.
-If my doctor didn't put me in therapy even though you seem to think I need it, that's up to him.
-If I agree with him, that's up to me.
-If I can't come out to see you, I'm sorry, but it's just like that.
-If I don't drink alchohol anymore ('even though you're a student! How is that possible?!?! Are you sure you don't want one?!?') then that's up to me.

Please, please just keep your opinions about medication instead of therapy and the fact that you think you know best even though you are just fine, to yourself. And yes, I am aware that I spend most of my time indoors. Maybe I need to do that for a little while until I feel better?

Sorry for negativity, i'm just a little annoyed. Don't get me wrong, there are people that are amazing and who look after me. :blush: Anyone else have people around them that just aren't supportive?

08-09-09, 12:41
Yes most of my family. :D

I think people don't realize how irritating they can be when they offer advice that was not asked for. I should know I do it all the time! :D

All the best


08-09-09, 12:51
Its not the advice that gets me, its the way they think they know everything! I welcome any advise that's based on common sense or fact.

I like it when people try to understand and then advise me on things to
genuinely help, rather than ' Oh well, you must be overreacting, have you thought it might be because this and this happened 4 years ago? Have you tried just ignoring it? Why arent you in therapy?' I have to grit my teeth and go 'well all these things are options too but I'm doing htis now, for a reason.'

08-09-09, 13:01
The problem is when people that do not have anxiety offer advice to people who do, they don't understand what we go through. So their advice can often seem patronizing.

08-09-09, 13:11
Yeah I guess thats what it is.
Some people are great; they just let me deal with whatever is up at the time, if I need a cry they just let me, if I need to sit in the car phsycing myself up in Bluewater carpark for an hour they just sit with me.

I tend to feel bad though, I feel like Im ruining people's day sometimes.

08-09-09, 13:21
If they care about you, you are not ruining their day. If they don't care about you, you should not worry about ruining their day. :D

I think you should not beat yourself up about it.

08-09-09, 13:25
A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


08-09-09, 13:26
Haha okay thank you for the (not annoying) advice! :D