View Full Version : Pains keep reminding me i have anxiety!

08-09-09, 13:46
Hey all one of my previous posts i said i have been to the doctors alots over the past 6 weeks and i went again this week. I got all the test ecg blood work and i told the doc all my worries and he checked me over for them and he said it is anxiety and not to worry and get out more.

This was two days ago and i have felt ok but i still have pains.

The really annoying one is pressure in my chest and i tight feelin my my left arm. Also i can feel my pulse everywhere! when i press my hands together or feel something i feel the pulse on my finger tips. and lastly i get these anoying pains in my legs from time to time .

These symptoms can ease or get bad or go away at any time and i woke up this morning and for the first time in 6 weeks i did feel pain and then after i went to the bathrrom and had a drink the pains come on!

My question is this! How can one stop thinking about anxiety and worry and pains when the pains all always there reminding you, you are in pain!

I just dont know! i have been to a&e 4 times in 6 weeks an out of hours doctor then my gp a dentist and optician. and they all said im fine.

anyone else feel the same i just cant control this

08-09-09, 13:59
Yes Qix i feel i just cant control this. it sounds like you have what i have mainly pains in the chest and its worrying me why i can always feel my stomach pulsating and being able to actually physically see it moving is the scary thing. i know you suffer from this what have the docs said about it?


08-09-09, 14:13
i told the doc about the pulse and he checked and felt it and he felt the pulse and then listiened with his scope. He said it sounded great and it is anxiety.

It is scary and mine subsided when i was fixated on my legs.

I really think it is all in the mind crick . I just cant seem to stop dwelling on the pains because they re always there .

08-09-09, 14:28
You are right it is definately our mind playing tricks.

08-09-09, 14:46
the pains will go away eventually its just cause it is always on our minds.

08-09-09, 15:30
Im sorry to hear your having such a rubbish time. Health anxiety certainly is very difficult to deal with. But its not impossible. I still have bad days...today being one...but the bad days are no where near as bad as they used to be.

I was very much the same as you about a lot of my symptoms....i couldnt forget them becuae they were sooooo in my face and the whole cycle just kept going.

My psychologist told me that its not the symptoms that are the problem , its the meaning that you attach to them.

The dr has given you the all clear about the symtoms and that they are caused by anxiety. However that does not mean that they will just stop and go away cos you know whats causing it.

You need to stop reacting to your negative thoughts about these symptoms. Currently your brain is alerting you to them all the time becuase anxiety has programmed your survival mechanisms that these symptoms are super important to your wellbeing.......only they arent and the message is an error caused by repetive anxious thinking. The way foward is to reprogramme your survival centres that these symptoms are not important. To do this you must put this into action. Just knowing this is needed does not make one little bit of difference....you have to actually stop reacting to the cues and just let the anxiety do its thing. Gradually it will get less and less and eventually you will hardly notice it coming and it will hardly effect your day. Its not easy and its best to use relaxation methods when the anxiety peaks as it definately will to begin with.

If you already knew all this im sorry to ramble on!!!


08-09-09, 15:59
thanks lisa :) yea it is hard to ignore them . I guess ill just have to let it do its thing and eventually it will go away. I just cant understand why i got a pain in the first place lol

I think what happend was i got a pain in my left arm and then i took my first ever panic attack and i have just been stuck like that since then :O

Its just hard to say its anxiety because it feels so real. I think it is because we keep saying to ourselves its this and that our bodies simulate what we are thinking.

I guess the opposite would be like if you were in meditation people would say imiagine you are relaixing and the body feels more relaxed. We are telling out body You have this and that and the body does it!

Thats the way i look at it anyway.

Im sure the anxiety will go away in time :D

17-09-09, 23:35
i too have chest pain, mainly on left side but occasionally in centre, and my legs have had twinges and aches too which is annoying as i play loads of sport. my neck is so tense too and i get sharp pains up the back of my head and round to the front. when your anxious your muscles are stimulated and become tense and ready to run away (flight response) so after a period of worry they begin to ache and muscle fatigue sets in and it takes time to recover, and for me it is hard to recover when the aches and pains are still there.

18-09-09, 01:14
My anxiety is all about the pain, Its a constant reminder that my anxiety is there!I'm on 20mg of citalopram a day it controls most of my symptoms but not the pains. I can work all day, socailise and feel great then completely out of the blue i will get pains in either my chest, neck, shoulders and the worse one of all my left arm, when this happens i am struck down with anxiety I can control my breathing when hyperventaling and i can talk myself out of situations that make me nervous but I can not control the pain. The pain is very real and it appears from nowhere for no reason at all. I have arm pain chest etc every week without fail and no matter how many times i tell myself that todays pain is the exact same pain as yesterday It still puts the fear of god into me. I'm seeing a therapist now and using things like a wheat bag and iburofen gel to ease the pain. I'm trying to except then treat the pain instead of worry about it but it's not easy for me. Hope youre ok soon.