View Full Version : escitralopram

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 14:09
Hi you all know i suffer wiyh constant dizziness, HA, depression, ocd and agrophobia, but ive just gone on to escitralopram 2 weeks ago , first at 5mg then last week 10mg and last night started taking 20mg , and today i feel awful very anxious , even dizzier and so tired i dont feel i can stay awake has anybody else had this and will it get better xx

08-09-09, 14:14
Hi anxious elephant,

by the sound's of things and im no doctor, u might have upped your dose to quickly,

Did your doctor up it??

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 14:21
Yes my psyciatrist told me to do that , and ive seen her today but all she does is says mmmmmmm ok carry on and i will c u in a month , some use she is :ohmy:

08-09-09, 14:24
Iv been on a few diffrent meds, and i also have just starting out on escitalopram, but my doctor has told me to take it slow and start out on 5mg for the first two weeks then take it from there!

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 14:38
Hi i dont really know why im tring these again i tried them last year and they did diddly , ive been on so many this year the docs are running out of ads to give me , i was on sertraline for 2 years which were working ok then suddenly stopped working then i tried escitralopram which did nothing , then tried venlafaxine which made my heart race very very fast so had to come off them , then duloxetine which i was so up and down on i decided to try prozac which also did nithing so thought ok duloxetine lifted me a bit i will go back on them but after 4 months i didnt think they were touching the anxiety and ive heard so much about the bad withdrawrals you get even if you only miss 1 dose that i just didnt feel right being on them so i decided to give esitralopram another go but hope it works this time coz doc says i will have to ither go back on duloxetine or try one of the older ones like lofepramine,which i done fancy as they have alot of side effects , anyway hope they work for you , what else have you been on ?

08-09-09, 14:52

I firstly went on citalopram but was o so ill, also was given beta blockers along side the citalopram, but like i said felt like death warmed up.

After comming of the above my doc put me on Mirtazipine, didnt feel they were working for me as i didnt have depression, one thing though you sleep like a baby.

After a while i came off them and went at it alone until now as i feel iv got to the point were iv stopped beating myself up over the thought of being on meds!

So the doc has put me on escitalopram as he told me they are better than citalopram with half the side effects and you dont need to take as much as they are pure,( what ever tht means) im also taking Buspar -Busirone 2x5mg for a few weeks whilst i hope the escitalopram kick in.

So fingers crossed..

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 15:43
whats buspar? ive seen it a few times on here but dont know what it is :ohmy: