View Full Version : Who hides their anxiety?

08-09-09, 14:15
With both my GAD & HA I sometimes think that people get so sick of dealing with me that I find myself trying to hide how I feel. Now I realize this isn't good or an answer - but, I do it! Just curious what others might think....

08-09-09, 14:18
Hey, I dont tell anyone about my condition, Which makes having a panic attack a thousand times worse lol.

Only people who know are my parents. None of my friends know. To be honest I wish they did but its gone on for so long now Its like I cant tell anyone, When I start Uni though Im letting everyone know from day 1, get it out of the way.

08-09-09, 14:19
I agree with you. I hide it from my mates most of the time just because its hard to show it when they dont understand. Hiding it is never good and can make it worse.:D

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 14:27
Hi i cant hide it , i have tried but i just cant , i have to tell people and when people say "hi how r u today " i cant say "fine thanx" i have to say "crap " or "i feel awful i just cannot pretend its not there , alot of people i know who have some sort of anxiety hide it by putting on mike up and using it as a mask , i cant do that ither , its like i need them to know im not well , selfish i know but thats just the way i feel at the mo

08-09-09, 15:47
Anxious elephant

its soooooooo not selfish!! You have probably got where you are with the anxiety by not being selfish enough!!!

I soetimes tell people too and think i tell people too much like i have to make it their problem...but is only becuase i feel like they will be able to help and becuase i feel like i cant deal with itmyself. I think this is a clear symptom of anxiety for some......if we could deal succesfully with all our concerns...we wouldnt suffer from anxiety!!


08-09-09, 16:18
i took a pa yesterday on 1st day of college n had 2 leave, i think this was because i was so nervous of having one infront of people that dont have a clue whats going on with me and wouldnt know how to help, where as my boyfriend knows everything and i feel so safe when im with him. but at the same time, i dont wanna tell anyone in class because of fear of rejection and them thinking im some kind of freak!

08-09-09, 16:27
I have become such a master of hiding it often I don't even notice it myself. Sounds bizarre but I can even go into panic without realizing it sometimes. When I am in a situation where this happens I tend to become very confused (my IQ seems to lower by 100 point, which makes it about -20 :D) and my memory has more holes it than my socks do. I think it is major reason I avoid social interaction. It's a bit difficult not looking stupid when you can't think or remember anything. :wacko:

08-09-09, 17:22
Apart from this site n my Gp no1 else knows Im suffering. Not even my close family - altho Im sure Im not the same around them.

sarah jayne
08-09-09, 20:01
I hide it from everyone, theres only my gp and my husband that know.........x

08-09-09, 21:02
I definitely hide my anxiety from the people around me!

08-09-09, 21:10
someone tell me if it's good or not to hide your anxiety?
i can see why it's good !
for me I do tell my super close friends as they are awesome and help me out.
when I'm around new people I hide my anxiety but because i want to appear normal I do stay in bar's longer than normal or it makes me go to the cinema more often, so in that way i find by my fear of being found out i push my self a lot more.
but my family have been very cruel to me about my anxiety and they have laughed at me, this meaning my own mum, cousins, aunts..........
so I feel by only telling my close friends i am protecting myself from ridiculed and from being seen as a person with too many mental problems.