View Full Version : slurred speech

anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 15:46
Does anyone else get this from time to time its like my words ither wont come out properly or they dont feel like they are , and im really scared and haveing major panics that my tongue is going to stop working , i know this sounds daft but im freaking out now :ohmy:

08-09-09, 15:48
The more anxious you get the more you will get/notice this.

I think loads of people can relate to these symptoms..they are anxiety....forget them and move on...

Hope your okay


anxious elephant999
08-09-09, 16:25
i feel like my tongue is going to stop working can this happen

08-09-09, 16:31
No. It just feels like it.

Your mind will run riot if you let it! Mine does frequently and none of my worried delisions have happened. I can actually laugh about some of them now. I was so convinced that i had the worst kind of thyroid cancer that i convinced myself that my throat was swelling becuae the tumour was growing. So much so that i could feel stuff getting stuck and that included water. Absoloute delusions even though i was pretty sane at the time!!

I really could feel this tumour growing.........i am laughing about this now as I type.....

Dont worry hun, your tonuge is just the focus of your powerfull attention and your thoughts are running away with themselves


08-09-09, 16:37
I hope you realize elephant you are finding so many symptoms you are starting to make me anxious. :D

The thing about anxiety is we can identify the smallest thing and then blow it out of all proportions. Slurred speech could simply mean your tired from being so anxious all the time. And by the way, I have never heard of someones tongue not working. I think in you anxious state you are starting to invent conditions now. :D

All the best
