View Full Version : MS scare

08-09-09, 16:24
Hi All

I am new to this forum and i am from India..Ok i have been a bold confident gal but for past 2 yrs have become extremely coward..
I started getting dizzy and off balanced since last year and i went to homeopathy doctor who diagonised it as Labyrinthitis and gave medicine..It was starting to get cured..
BUt i tried to google it up and read abt MS. PPl in India are nt really very aware abt MS as it in west..As none of my frens knew abt it I started to read bat it an dever since i did it has been haunting me...
I used to get pins an d needles sensation ans i started to worry i have gt MS. I am 23 yrs old..Then i started to feel as if my right leg is dragging tho it is nt dragging.. its just a feeling which i am nt able to control..
I wnet to a neurologist she listened to me carefully and said i shud go fr sa sinus scan.. I asked if MRI is needed to chk fr MS she really started to laugh saying its very rare in India nad her 25 yrs of experience dint give her slight thought tat MS could be a possibility..

But whenever i hear the name it starts to haunt me..

my pins na d needles have gone now..
Dragging in right leg comes and goes.. even otherwise i feel right side of body feels weak.. right hands find tuff to type in key board etc..

I am distressed..some one help me..wat do i do.. Is my worry really worthwhile or am i just being stupid..wat do i do:weep:

08-09-09, 17:37
Anyone there???

08-09-09, 17:41

I only just approved your post hence no replies yet.

08-09-09, 17:46
Sia, I very much doubt that you have MS. If the expert neurologist is not concerned then I am sure you have nothing to worry about. Common and mild problems with the ears and sinus can cause dizziness and loss of balance and when you looked up MS and started to worry about it you would become anxious and this anxiety can cause all the symptoms you describe. Trust the Dr to cure the dizziness and you will be fine. Honest!! XXX

09-09-09, 03:14
Hi Mhairi
Thanks for the reply..
Just on equick question is weakness a symptom of anxiety too. I get so weak on my right side alone. My right hands and legs feel so weak..I really do get scared because this one side weakness freaks me out.My right hand feels as if its not there at all .. at times..And tats why i find so much difficulty in typing on the keyboard.

09-09-09, 09:22
Hi Sia,

Just to let you know - I get weakness aswell, it is a symptom of anxiety - just search the forum and you will see that many people with anxiety suffer with this... Your story is very similar to lots of people, it all started with googling symptoms!! :)