View Full Version : why?

08-09-09, 16:28
ive always been so unconfident with myself, the way i look and also what some people think about me, i used to have a good group of friends but this was ruined after a certain incident and we lost touch... ever since i havent really had ' a best friend ' so to speak, and feel like i cant truly be myself and feel 100% comfortable exept with my family.

latley tho ive started speaking to one of the friends who i used to be so close to and we r gettin on so well, and i was feeling so happy, so why did the panic and anxiety start now? how do i know were it came from? i thought this was going to be a good year, i passed my driving test, had a holiday booked, passed all my exams and just having a great time. the night before the 1st attack i was at a party and had such a good time, i was feeling quite hungover tho and i knew i had to go to work, maybe this is why i was anxious. but why has it lasted 2months now?

08-09-09, 17:08
Sometimes anxiety can be triggered by something you might think is very insignificant. A simple negative thought or minor incident can cause it to flare up. This will normally subside after a day or two. The problem is if you have gone for a spell without anxiety you will automatically think 'Oh no! It's back again' and these thoughts help to maintain your anxious level. You have to realize that even if you go a while without anxiety there will always be occasions when it will flare up. The important thing is not to fear it when it does. Tell yourself that it will pass and just accept it.

Anxiety can also be caused by repressed feelings, perhaps meeting an old friend may have reminded you of incidents or feelings you had bottled up. And this could have triggered the anxiety too.

The reason why the anxiety as lasted for 2 months is due to your negative thoughts. These are maintaining it and will continue to maintain it until you accept it and stop worrying.

As to the way you look or what people might think of you I am sure you look much prettier than you give yourself credit. Secondly you are not a mind reader. You can not tell how people think of you unless they tell you. People's opinion of you is almost certainly much better than you realize. These are common mistakes with social anxiety, we try to think what people might think of us. But because we anxious we only see the negatives not the positives. You have self-esteem issues, which is completely understandable. Every time I have read your posts you always seem like a lovely caring person who is a little to anxious for her own good.

So here's a big hug from me

John :bighug1:

11-09-09, 17:26
thanku :) ur replies r always so helpful:yesyes:

hug back frm me :bighug1: