View Full Version : Does anyone feel sick after eating?

08-09-09, 17:01
I've been to the Dr's so many times about feeling sick all the time. After eating no matter if it's a piece of toast or a plate of chips I feel awful. For hours I just feel really sick, not in any pain just feel on the verge of vomiting all the time and it's horrendous. Can happen anytime like just now I had a snack of an apple and I feel awful again. I do have acid reflux but am on Omeprazole for that and I'm not getting acid when I feel sick just the really intense sick feeling.

I woke up last night on and off and everytime I woke up I felt like I was going to be sick. It's awful. I went through a stage of this last year and lost over 2 stone in 9 months because I was living on toast. Now the weights gone back on but I can feel this happening again because I just cannot stomach food at all. Dr's keep saying it's the anxiety but that doesn't help me because I can't barely leave the house I feel that sick all the time. It's terrible. Anyone else in the same boat?

I'm on metoclopramide for the nausea and take a Phenergan at night but even that doesn't help fully.

08-09-09, 17:19
hmm well it's either too things, if you have a phobia of being sick it could be phycological, I know lots of people who have this problem.
it could also be a physical problem.
i'd ask my doctor for all relevant tests to rule out physical problems.
also get an allergy and a food tolerance test too.
do you feel sick after drinking as well?
try eatin ginger, i have it in a powder , i also have ginger tea too which calms my tummy

08-09-09, 17:39
i'm having similair problems at the moment, i get hungry but by the time i've cooked the meal i don't want to eat it, i have to force myself to eat and then end up feeling very tired and ill afterwards.

The weights dropping off me at the moment even though i'm eating a decent amount and it's worrying me so much, doc thinks it's just my health anxiety and me worrying too much.

08-09-09, 18:00
im the same cant even face food ive lost a stone now,just got a sickly feeling in my throat all day everyday, im hungry but when i see it yuk im lucky to eat a quarter of slice of toast a day at the mo its horrible i do sympathise with you

09-09-09, 13:42
I do have a phobia of vomiting so that could be a problem with me. I cook all my meals so I know they are cooked safely.

I've had full blood works done and a chest x-ray and all are normal. I tried taking ginger capsules 3 times a day (as I don't like the taste of ginger so can't have the tea etc) but that didn't do anything for me. I do have IBS so that could make me feel queasy.

I cut out wheat and gluten for 3 weeks but didn't feel any better. I think I may have a slight intolerance to dairy but find it impossible to cut it out as I don't eat a wide range of food and cheese and milk are a big part of my diary.

Was going to pay to get an intolerance test but after seeing Watchdog about how none of them work I decided against it.

11-09-09, 17:39
I have exactly the same trouble as you, Cat 80, even to the point of having IBS and a fear of vomiting.

I cannot eat much at all during the day, but even if I eat 2 biscuits or a banana Ifeel absolutely dreadful. I've tried the acid reducing tablets, but they don't work.

So, I spend most of the day feeling weak, lightheaded and starving. I can only really eat a full meal at home when I know I can sit still for 3 hours or more.

I take metoclopramide, but you can only take 3 of these a day. I have to eat l'ittle and often' due to my IBS, so I'd need to take 10 metoclopramide tablets a day!

11-09-09, 17:43
Thanks for the reply BCD, it's terrible isn't it?

I was given Omeprazole for the acid which works well but I still feel sick all the time and the fear of it I'm sure makes me feel worse because I start to panic. It's always worse in the evening for me, think it's because I've nothing to occupy my mind. Starting to feel really sick now but trying to hold off on the metoclopramide

11-09-09, 17:51
I worry about taking metoclopramide. I always think that if I take it then I can't take another for at least 4 hours!

13-09-09, 09:19
for me it's exactly the way Gazman describes, but it has started quite recently.. now i choose to eat soups most of the times so it can slide down easily. I never ate and didn't even like soup before this started. it's not fun anymore when you can't enjoy the food you like... i hope it's only temporary, how has it been for you guys?

13-09-09, 10:21
for me at least, it has gotten a little better, doc gave me anti sickness tabs and antacid tabs, which seem to help, i still feel worse in the morning but can eat alot better the rest of the day.