View Full Version : New member

08-09-09, 17:59
Hi Im Gill, 48, and suffering anxiety and depression at the moment.Would like to chat to others.I have been especially worse since leaving my home town last July.Im now in Leicsetershire.Anyone local,with similar problems id love to hear from you:)

08-09-09, 18:35
Hi Gill

I am a new member too. I am 46 and also suffer with anxiety and depression ......not local to you as I live in Essex......but thought I'd drop you a line :)

08-09-09, 20:08
Hi Gill, :welcome:

I suffer with anxiety and depression too. I live in Essex so not local to you either, but just to let you know you are not alone.

You will get a lot of support from this site.

Take care


08-09-09, 20:28

I am 46 a new member and also from Essex and i suffer health anxiety



Mr Parfect
08-09-09, 21:35
Welcome to NMP.

08-09-09, 21:35
Hi Gill - looks like you should move to Essex....lol. My name is Chantelle 41, and I also have been suffering from anxiety and depression since February. This site is a life-line as everyone is so friendly and supportive and really understand what you are going through. I can feel my anxiety and depression lifting and I saw my GP today and she thinks I am nearly back to my old self!!! This has been due largely to the support I have got on here. Take care and chat anytime......

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you had a good day
Thinking of you....


09-09-09, 13:18
Chantelle,Mr.Parfect,Marc,Sue and Jackie,and all other members and thanks for my welcome. These look very active forums! Hopefully will get my way round soon.

09-09-09, 13:28
welcome .

Sorry to hear you are so down .. hope this site helps you as it has me already and 'ive only ben here 24 hours

take care xxx

09-09-09, 13:37
Hi Gill,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

09-09-09, 15:52
Hi Gill and welcome,
as you can see from the name i'm in Derby so only 20 mins or so away from you, if you ever feel like a chat mail me or PM me i'm exactly the same as you.
Take care Sharon :)