View Full Version : Hello To Everyone

Mr A
08-09-09, 18:04
Firstly, I want to say, "Hello to everybody"
My doctor has just prescribed me 20mg of Citalopram & I am a little bit worried about taking them as they may be addictive or something, or the side effects are too sevear. I have only ever taking 1 anti-depresent before & that was years ago & that made me feel sick, not to mention feel like I was climing the wall. Maybe, they are ok, its just I'm a nervou:welcome: s.

Anyway, hope everybody is feeling ok & hope you ALL have a good day - what's left of it.

Take care,


Andrew x

Veronica H
08-09-09, 19:46
:welcome: to NMP Andrew. Glad that you have found us. There is a section on medications on the site and people have posted about Citalopram on there. You will find comfort and support here.


Mr Parfect
08-09-09, 21:38
Welcome to NMP.

Mr A
09-09-09, 11:08
:welcome: to NMP Andrew. Glad that you have found us. There is a section on medications on the site and people have posted about Citalopram on there. You will find comfort and support here.

Hi & thank you Veronica, I have found it now - after my head's stop spinning! Take care,


Mr A
09-09-09, 11:14
Welcome to NMP.
Hi Mr Parfect - you're right there! Not sure if lots of things make much sence these days. Take care & have a good day.

09-09-09, 13:26
Welcome Mr A .

Not been here long still feling my way around the site like you .. hope today is a good day for you ..


Mr A
09-09-09, 13:30
Welcome Mr A .

Not been here long still feling my way around the site like you .. hope today is a good day for you ..

Thank you - take care

09-09-09, 13:35
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx