View Full Version : i dont know what to do anymore

08-09-09, 19:19
Ive been fine for a few weeks but the past couple of days have been horrible. I get constant (what i think is) palpitations, then i have panic attacks because of this......i cant go anywhere coz i always feel light headed......sitting here now i can feel every beat of my heart :weep:

The only way i can beat this is to sleep but i have 2 kids and they're asking why im in bed all the time......

I don't know what to do :weep:

08-09-09, 19:24
this is exactly how i am. i thought i was having a good few days and on my way 2 recovery and then yesterday i had one in college and it has completley knocked my confidence. i didnt trail myself out of bed 2day til 5pm but when i did i poured a bath, put on a relaxation tape and practised my breathing and im feeling better at the moment, im going to try and go out 2nite n hope evrything goes well.

try as many relaxation techniques til u find the right one 4 u. its well wrth it an ule feel great afterwards:)

hope u feel better soon n dont give up:yesyes:

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 08:55
I feel like that today i cant get out of bed im that scared and i feel terrible , ii really dont know what to do to gat over this illness

09-09-09, 09:10
sorry your feling so bad i am also feeling like this today missed beats etc i need some sleep but heart just wont let me

09-09-09, 11:45
Ive been fine for a few weeks but the past couple of days have been horrible. I get constant (what i think is) palpitations, then i have panic attacks because of this......i cant go anywhere coz i always feel light headed......sitting here now i can feel every beat of my heart :weep:

The only way i can beat this is to sleep but i have 2 kids and they're asking why im in bed all the time......

I don't know what to do :weep:
I am going to be blunt (sorry:hugs: )
you really must get up and move around. You need to get your circulation going / have some tea and toast (food of some sort)
You know your palpitations are adrenalin pumping (fear of fear) keeps us all down.
Don't know how old your kids are but they are concerned about you being in bed - BE brave do a litle treat for them - do a tea party (just you and them) draw with them what ever.
Same as i told anxious - you will get over this :hugs:
Best wishes