View Full Version : What is this on the back of my head!? HELP! :(

08-09-09, 19:19
Hey all . 6 weeks ago i took a paniac attack i took over a pain. I have since b diagnosed with anxiety and i have not felt the same since.

I have had alot of pains and aches the past 6 weeks and something that has started in the last 3 weeks was head pressure. I thought it was my tooth and the day i went up to the dentist i took the biggest headache i have ever taken this consisted of alot of pressure on my head and face and after that headache my crown and upper head have been very tender to the touch. a few days later my eyes got abit our of focus when reading and i felt like i kept seeing thing out of the cornor of my eye (like shawdows, flickers).

This week the tenderness has went away and i could touch my head. I also went to the opticians and they said my vision was fine and i had 20 20 vision. but i still have pressure and pain on both sides of my head there is pressure and the back of my head and top there is a bit of pain.

Now with my eyes going funny and my facing hurting and my head tender i put it down to muscle tension.

my vision is not our of focus anymore but i still think im seeing stuff out of the side of my eye . I dont know if it is anxiety making me focus on every little thing.

Now today i was rubbing the back of my head to see if it would hurt and right at the bottom at the back of my head about 1 inch above my hair line i felt like this really hard bump ! and i have been freaking out think all sorts of things!! It seems to be almost right in the middle of the head and it almost feels like a bone but when i touch it and rub it hurt abit after.

I also have noticed for a few days that the left side of my body feels more tight than the other especially my face.

I dont know what to think ! i am seriously freaking out and i think im gonna have a panic attack.

do you think i should make an emercency appointment with my gp tommorow?

Sorry forgot to add that my left ear has a swollen lump that has swelled and shrunk again and has remained the same size for about a week. also on the left side of my head there is i very sore pea sized lump this has been there for about 2 weeks.

08-09-09, 21:15

The bump you have at the back of your head is just the base of your skull and yes if you are constanly touching, it will hurt.

You really do need to try and relax and stop worrying over all the different things instead of jumping from one fear to another. They are all anxiety related.

I assume from the fact that you have already been diagnosed with anxiety that you have previously seen your GP. Have another chat with your doctor over you anxiety, if only to put your mind at ease.

09-09-09, 10:27
Those lumps sound like glands. You have glands or lymph nodes along your hairline at the back of your head. Their totally normal.


09-09-09, 17:16
Hello :)

I have had all the symptoms you have mentioned and it was definately anxiety, i know this because the less anxious i get they seem to dissapear and i went through a phase of having terrible headaches face pain/pressure but after 2 months it went away. I also had funny vision, i went to the optician everything was fine all the things you have listed are pretty common anxiety symptoms.

With regards to the lumps, i also had a hard boney lump on my head that was the size of a 10p, i panicked like crazy i thought i had a brain tumour!! i went to the doctor who sent me to the hospital to have a ultrasound, 2 weeks later when my appointment arrived the lump decreased in size that much it could hardly be felt, the doctor at the hopital was having problems finding it, i had the ultra sound everything was fine and he said it was probably a lymph node, if i leave it alone it pretty much dissapears but sometimes i get anxious and start prodding and it gets a bit bigger but it always goes back down.

It is very common to also feel your lymph nodes, i can feel a few of mine they are pea sized, i have one grape sized under my jaw, i have been to the doctor and he said they are fine and are normal.

I would make an appointment with your doctor anyway otherwise you will keep worrying :) x

10-09-09, 13:15
I went to the doc yesterday and she examinded my head anf felt around she said it was the back of my skull lol ! So I dont know she took my blood pressure and looked at my stomach and listiened to my stomach and heart. She said my blood pressure was perfect and my heart sound great.

She sent me to the nurse to toke a WHOLE! lotta blood it was quite alot and this is to test everything lol she mention something about a thyroid? thats what the blood tests are for.

SO i have to go back next week and see what happens !

Im stumped lol everyone says im fine lol

It has to be all in the mind! surley!

Anyone have any idea when all these feelings and symptons will go away! They are so annoying.

10-09-09, 13:18
Sometimes a overactive thyroid can cause anxiety, i was tested for this also.

So glad it went well!! have a great day relax and try not to worry YOUR FINE :) xx

10-09-09, 13:36
I know :D its just i was so well before any of this and its just hit me so hard. The doctor said the worried well lol!

As i said to my doctor its hard to stop worrying when the pains are casuing the worry. She understood.

I guess i will just have to get on with things . It has taken alot out of me and ill just have to get back on the horse :D