View Full Version : Upper chest discomfort/pain

08-09-09, 19:36
Does anyone get like discomfort/pain in the upper part of the chest, above the boobs?

I know when I get pain lower down that it's tension, I can feel the tension & it goes to my breathing, but this is all over the chest at the top & sometimes feels like it goes up the throat!! I have had it since last night & I keep burping. Walking about seems to make it a little better. Does it sound like indigestion, trapped wind? Also sometimes it feels like my boobs and nipples are tingling, it's nothing to do with periods as I am way past that.

Please let me know if you get this. Thanks.


08-09-09, 19:43
I get that, and I think it's caused by tension! I used to get the tension that affected my breathing, but once I realised it was connected to my anxiety it went away...then this new one started that is more of an pain/discomfort! I notice mine disappears when I'm completely relaxed like taking a bath or engrossed in a good book...I bet yours will too :-)

08-09-09, 19:49

Can you describe what kind of pain it is hun? Is it sharp, tight or like a dull ache?


08-09-09, 20:01

Can you describe what kind of pain it is hun? Is it sharp, tight or like a dull ache?


I can't really describe it, it's more discomfort than anything. Not sharp, not tight, not even an ache!

Oh God, you're not gonna tell me I have angina or am having a heart attack!!

08-09-09, 20:08
Noooooooooooo Aww bless hun!!
I was thinking perhaps you could have pulled a muscle in your chest..it's very easily done when you are tense.


08-09-09, 20:28
hi els
yes i get this discomfort to. its not really an ache or pain. its just a weird feeling i cant describe. and it kind of takes my breath away from time to time. its kind of a feeling like an excited feeling in your chest. maybe be like butterflies that u feel in ur tummy but its in your chest? that the only way i can describe it. hope you feel better soon
love debera:bighug1: :bighug1: