View Full Version : I'm new here

08-09-09, 19:48
I'm new here and have found this site very interesting. I suffer from health anxiety, I jump to the deep end when I find a pain or something, I guess it's called catastrophizing. It especially creeps us during pms time. I need to logically understand why this has happened and how do I stop from worrying all the time. I'm tired of worrying, I just want to relax and enjoy my life. Any words of wisdom out there???? Thank you so much.

08-09-09, 20:30

I too have Health Anxiety and know exactly how you feel
you are not alone


09-09-09, 20:11
Thanks for responding Marc, did you have something tragic happen to you when you were younger or more recently? I did and I'm wondering if that goes hand in hand with what I experience today? I also have trouble getting close to people, letting my guard down, especially if they are seriously ill, i basically run away....

09-09-09, 21:40
I have health anxiety also, mine runs in the family with my mother and my maternal grandmother being big worriers, whilst my maternal grandfather has bravely taken glass to the eye and all manner of other horrible things without so much as a peep.
Anxieties tend to run in families but the fact you get worse at a hormonal time could mean that it's more biological.....understanding the root of problems can be very important, so maybe ask yourself whether anyone else in your family was similar
If I get anxious, I usually try and imagine someone like my (very no-nonsense) father telling me that it's unlikely that there's anything wrong with me. Good luck.

09-09-09, 21:47
my3boys... I have had problems since a friend died of heart failure 3/4 months ago. My dad died of heart problems at 57, 12 years ago and my mum of lung cancer 6 yrs ago. I think I've always been a worrier, but since my friend died I've had terrible trouble convincing myself I'm okay - I've had a couple of panic attacks, but mainly I've had physical aches and pains every day - sometimes quite debilitating - usually in my left arm and chest.

Just as I manage to talk myself round, I go back into one... today I am convinced I have angina.

I'm 30, which I know is young... but!