View Full Version : Knowing its anxiety but still getting it

08-09-09, 20:16
Bit of a confusing title I know lol.

What I want to know is, Will I ever be cured, Because I know its anxiety, I tell myself over and over in my head its only anxiety your not really ill, but Im still ill all the time :mad:

Like today I had to go to the post office and I really felt fatigued and didnt want to go anywhere, Just felt ill and sick.

I forced myself to go, and on the way home I felt fine, Realising I had only felt like that from working myself up about having to go.

This happens all the time, And for months now Ive been telling myself this in my head, Its only anxiety, These feelings are not real etc etc.

Yet I still get them, Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

08-09-09, 20:24
There sure is

I have had general anxiety and Health anxiety for around 10 years but after some CBT i am getting better

You can and will beat it

Mad Medic
08-09-09, 20:24
I totally relate to you. It's so annoying that we don't seem to connect the fact that we were "ok in the end" to the anxiety. We just focus on how we felt before we went and did whatever we got worked up about.

I truly believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you feel better soon :)

08-09-09, 20:26
There is no guarantee you will ever completely be free from your anxiety. The good news though is that you can learn to cope with it. This will result in it having less of an impact on your daily life. And over time you can also learn to accept and tolerate it.

Hope that helps.


08-09-09, 20:56
I just learn to live with it.
it is frustrating but I'm always trying out new things to help my anxiety.I notice some days are better than other's.
but i'd rather be anxious and outside than calm and bored out of my mind at home lol

08-09-09, 22:54
This is always the one that gets me. When I'm worked up and thinking things are wrong I understand getting anxiety and panic and their effects, but then when I think I've convinced myself it is only anxiety and I've calmed down or 'think' I forgot, the next thing I get the anxiety and back to square one - its like an ever revolving door. [My anxiety is always about health matters with me]