View Full Version : Driving Lesson

08-09-09, 23:25
I had a random confident moment and booked a driving lessing:ohmy:

im now reallllllly nervous!! what if i panic in the car?!! why did i do this to myself!?:doh:

08-09-09, 23:26
oops lesson* not lessing lol

09-09-09, 00:12
I think its a great idea. One thing I've learned about anxiety over all these years is that the anticipation of an event is usually much worse than the actual event. Once you get in the car, I'm betting you'll be so preoccupied with the lesson that your anxiety won't be an issue. And if it does start to creep in, remember to take a long, deep breath and try to relax. I wish you the very best of luck with your lesson! I know you'll do great!

09-09-09, 00:34
Hi Sophia,

i learned to drive at at time when i was very anxious , i had he runs before EVERY lesson , sweat poured off me, picture the scene ,middle of december and i had sun roof and windows open..:roflmao::roflmao:
but i was determined i was going to do it, and i did, passed first time at the age of 30, have been driving for 12 years now, and it opened up a different life, and i was able to do a lot more,( dont do motorways, but thats a problem for another day,,)
my sister was as nervous as me, her husband booked it as a surprise birthday gift, i thought she would back out before she started, or a couple of lessons in, but no, she carried on, and now also at 30, she has passed and his doing her own thang.. so... GO FOR IT........:D x

Good luck

P x

09-09-09, 00:36
meant to say sophia, i was always anxious in the car, but i didnt panic.. xx

09-09-09, 12:03
Thank you for your replys :)

Do you think i should tell the instructor i get panic attacks? i did mention to her on the phone i get very nervous, but i dont think she understood how badly lol

arghhh 4 days to go!!

09-09-09, 14:24
I wouldn't mention the panic attacks. I don't think most people understand what they are. Nervous they understand - the extent of the nervousness they'll never get.

12-09-09, 16:31
i did it :) :):) :)

12-09-09, 23:57
Well done :yesyes:, you should be very proud of yourself. keep it up, heres to the next lesson.. x P x

13-09-09, 12:22
Just wanted to say great topic. I've been wondering about driving lessons all year, but due to bad time, keep putting it off, will I cope etc, reading this has helped me, I'll send for my provisional this week, at least I'll have someting to look forward to!

15-09-09, 12:39
iv done 2 lessons now :) once i got in the car and i was fine, just the 'normal' about of nerves about driving! x x