View Full Version : Empty chest

20-10-05, 11:12
hi guys,

i had a rubbish night last night the worst in ages to be honest.

i felt ill during lost and so went to bed, i was just aware that my chest felt 'empty' if that makes any sense? then i had a tummy ache too and just felt so tired.

so i tried to go to sleep but i was so aware of the 'empty' feeling in my chest, i couldn't feel my heart beating, and then the thoughts came of well it's given up, i'll have another fit from low BP, or my body will just stop working during the night and i'll die. everytime i got near sleeping i kinda woke back up ages, but my heart didn't beat any fasterrer. i hd to go nd get mum eventually and see stayed with me till i was asleep i think.

i just get so worried that my heart has been shocked so much over these 2 years that it will give up and has been scared into submission as i ignored its signals originally.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

20-10-05, 13:33
**i just get so worried that my heart has been shocked so much over these 2 years that it will give up and has been scared into submission as i ignored its signals originally.**

It doesn't work like this fortunately. You are fine cardiac wise.

When you learn to counter your negatives thought patterns and can reassure yourself you will feel some improvement.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-10-05, 13:40
Hi, I too was watching Lost last nigth and feeling quite panicky! Lucky for me I managed to fall asleep though, so I felt fine this morning, but I can sympathise with you, as I also get the same with health anxiety - I think it must be because we have tuned ourselves to become so aware of tiny changes - such as a slight change in heart rate or a funny little pain which other people would ignore - that then makes us more anxious, which then makes the physical symptom worse. There's not much I can say to reassure you, but just remember that I'm sure most people on here have thought they were going to die before, but we're still here! Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes,

20-10-05, 16:00
Thanks Kath and Meg,

Considering the state i was in this morning i am feeling a lot better now whcih is guess shows how flimsy depression and anxiety is!

I agree though kath, it's like being ultra sensitive!

I do still worry a bit about low BP and where my heart has *given up* but i guess this is my fear of having another fit too.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!